Žemaičių Kalvarija

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Žemaičių Kalvarija (English: Samogitian Calvary) is a small town in Plungė district municipality, Samogitia, Lithuania. It is known as a major site for Catholic pilgrimage.
This place was mentioned in 1253 as Garde (Gardai). In the 17th century, when the main church and road of cross was built, people started calling it the New Jerusalem, but after some time it was named Kalvarija after the name of the hill, where Jesus was crucified. In the 20th century, the town was renamed to Žemaičių Kalvarija to avoid misunderstandings, because there is another town in south-west of Lithuania, called Kalvarija.
During the Soviet years 1964–1989, the town was renamed to Varduva. At that time, people visiting this place as pilgrims were persecuted by the KGB. Only in 1989 the town's name was restored back to its historic name Žemaičių Kalvarija.
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