Belfries of Belgium and France
The Belfries of Belgium and France are a world heritage site. The site comprises 56 belfries from Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium, and from far northern France.
West Flanders
BrugesHallentoren belfry and halls.
DiksmuideTown hall and belfry.
KortrijkHallentoren belfry.
Lo-ReningeFormer town hall with belfry.
MenenBelfry and town hall.
NieuwpoortTown hall with belfry.
RoeselareTown house, town hall (market hall) and belfry.
TieltHallentoren belfry, cloth hall and aldermen's chamber.
VeurneCountryhouse with belfry.
YpresBelfry with cloth hall.
East Flanders
AalstAldermen's house with belfry.
DendermondeTown hall with belfry.
EekloTown hall with belfry.
GhentBelfry, cloth hall and old prison.
OudenaardeTown hall with belfry.
AntwerpCathedral of Our Lady.
AntwerpCity hall.
HerentalsOld town and clothes hall.
LierTown hall and belfry.
MechelenSt. Rumbold's tower and cathedral.
MechelenOld hall with belfry.
Flemish Brabant
LeuvenSt. Peter's church and belfry.
TienenSt. Germanus church with belfry.
ZoutleeuwSt. Leonard's church.
Sint-TruidenTown hall with tower.
TongerenBasilica of Our Lady with the city tower.
BincheTown hall belfry.
CharleroiCity hall belfry.
MonsBelfry of Mons.
ThuinBelfry of Thuin.
TournaiBelfry of Tournai.
Nord-Pas de Calais
ArmentièresBelfry of the city hall.
BailleulBelfry of the city hall.
BerguesBelfry of Bergues.
CambraiBelfry of St. Martin's church.
CominesBelfry of the city hall.
DouaiBelfry of the city hall.
DunkirkBelfry of the city hall.
DunkirkBelfry of St. Eloi's church.
GravelinesBelfry of Gravelines.
LilleBelfry of the city hall.
LoosBelfry of the city hall.
Aire-sur-la-LysBelfry of the city hall.
ArrasBelfry of the city hall.
BéthuneBelfry of Béthune.
Boulogne-sur-MerBelfry of the city hall.
CalaisBelfry of the city hall.
HesdinBelfry of the city hall.
AbbevilleBelfry of Abbeville.
AmiensBelfry of Amiens.
DoullensBelfry of the old municipal hall.
LucheuxBelfry of the Lucheux gate.
RueBelfry of Rue.
Saint-RiquierBelfry of Saint-Riquier.