Berlin/East Central

The former districts of Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain had few things in common (one thing is nowadays for sure the attraction to students, politically left and young creative people), due to their history on either side of the wall. Since the political decision to merge, these two districts work together politically. The name was made by flipping a coin to decide which name would appear first. The Oberbaumbrücke which was a border crossing point during the era of German partition now serves as the main connection between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg as well as symbol of reunification. Once a year it is the site of a humorous "vegetable battle" (Gemüseschlacht) between the two former districts.
Kreuzberg is one of Berlin's most eclectic districts, home to an unusual mix of left-wing punks, anarchists, gays, creative artists and Turkish immigrants, the last of which make up a third of the population and have earned the area its occasional nickname Little Istanbul. The district has gentrified to a considerable extent in recent years, with dot-coms, marketing agencies, designers, German and international kids from wealthy backgrounds moving into renovated lofts and spacy apartments, but there are still plenty of kebab joints, funky nightclubs, and pictures of Abdullah Öcalan gazing down from Communist Party of Kurdistan propaganda posters.
Kreuzberg itself used to be covered by two post codes (back in the four digit era, post codes would contain two digits for the city and two for the city district, sometimes expressed as "1000 Berlin, Kreuzberg 36" or the likes, but shortened to "1036 Berlin") being 36 for the Southeastern part (hence "SO 36") and 61 for the Southwestern part (SW 61 or more commonly Kreuzberg 61). The two areas had and to some extent still have distinctive characters, in part because SO 36 was surrounded by the wall on three sides and was therefore much more of a center for Berlin's leftist scene than the more bourgeois 61. While the post codes were changed upon reunification, you will still find businesses and locals insisting on the part of Kreuzberg they're in being labeled correctly and caring a lot about the difference.
The areas of Wedding and Gesundbrunnen used to be contained in the Bezirk Wedding until 2001 when they were merged into the Bezirk Mitte but the names and boundaries were retained for the Ortsteile. Wedding used to be known in Weimar times as "der rote Wedding" due to its working class left wing population. In later times, many immigrants, particularly Turks moved to the area. Nowadays Wedding is also increasingly gentrifying.
Gesundbrunnen is named for a fountain that was ascribed beneficial properties for people's health. However said fountain is no longer extant.
Get in
By urban rail

The main entry point for Kreuzberg 36 is . The U-Bahn line U1 is the backbone crossing the borough from east to west.
The main entry point for Kreuzberg 61 is .
The main gateways for Friedrichshain are the S-Bahn stations and . There are frequent U- and S-Bahn to the main tourist central in Friedrichshain, e.g. the Berlin Wall East Side Gallery close to the "Warschauer Straße" station. Being a borough of the former East, several tram and metro - tram lines also serve Friedrichshain with some slowly but surely expanding westward in what can only be called tram - reconquista. Wedding is also served by tram lines, particularly M10 which also connects to Hauptbahnhof which are slowly but surely inching ever more westward.
The best and fastest way to get into Prenzlauer Berg is either through or through .

the main entry point for Wedding
Is an entry point for the North of Gesundbrunnen and exchange between lines U8 and U9
By long distance train
Berlin-GesundbrunnenThe station would be "Nordkreuz" if it were named with the same logic as Ostkreuz, Westkreuz and Südkreuz. It is served by numerous long distance trains as well as regional trains.
OstbahnhofThis station has a turbulent history and many name changes. From 1987 (750th "birthday" of Berlin) to 1998 it was even called "Hauptbahnhof" (main station). However, the opening of the new Hauptbahnhof in Moabit in 2006 has relegated this station to a somewhat less prominent role, though unlike its western cousin Bahnhof Zoo, it still sees some ICE service albeit less than Gesundbrunnen or Hauptbahnhof

Checkpoint CharlieIt was the only border crossing between East and West Berlin that permitted foreigners passage. Residents of East and West Berlin were not allowed to use it. This contributed to Checkpoint Charlie's mythological status as a meeting place for spies and other shady individuals. Checkpoint Charlie gained its name from the phonetic alphabet; checkpoints "Alpha" and "Bravo" were at the autobahn checkpoints Helmstedt and Dreilinden respectively. Checkpoint Charlie's atmosphere was not improved at all on 27 Oct 1961 when the two Cold War superpowers chose to face each other down for a day. Soviet and American tanks stood approximately 200 m apart, making an already tense situation worse. Now the remains of the Berlin Wall have been moved to permit building, including construction of the American Business Center and other institutions. At the intersection of Zimmerstraße and Friedrichstraße (U-Bahn Kochstraße U6) is the famous "You Are Leaving the American Sector" sign. The actual guardhouse from Checkpoint Charlie is now housed at the Allied Museum on Clayallee. For a more interesting exhibit go to the Haus am Checkpoint Charlie. This is a private museum with kitschy memorabilia from the Wall and the devices GDR residents used to escape the East (including a tiny submarine!)
OranienstraßeA street full of shops, cafes and restaurants
BergmannstraßeLike Oranienstraße a street full of shops, cafes and restaurants, but in the other, more middle-class part of Kreuzberg.
Görlitzer Park150-200 m along the Wiener Straße (bypassing the fire house and the public swimming pool) from U-Bahn Görlitzer Bahnhof, the park is famous for the Turkish families barbecuing on summer weekends, failed contemporary art and relaxed atmosphere of students. It does have a reputation of being full of pickpockets and drug dealers though and the police makes regular visits to this place to check on the situation.
LandwehrkanalTake a stroll for a few kilometers along this canal which runs right through the heart of Kreuzberg. It's peaceful and mostly traffic-free, but full of life in summer. Some parts are lined with bars and restaurants with terraces. Sit on a bench or terrace and watch the world go by on a summer evening.
ViktoriaparkWith the Kreuzberg, a hill in Kreuzberg 61, the Prussian National Monument by Schinkel and a waterfall. Superb panoramic views across south Berlin.
address: Köthener Str. 38Though the area has changed a lot, the building with the Meistersaal, an old music hall from the 1900s, has persisted. Later converted into sound studios, music history was written here with David Bowie ("Heroes"), Iggy Pop, and U2 amongst the groups who recorded here at the "Studio by the wall". Guided tours available occasionally.
Museums and memorials
phone: +49 30 2545090address: Niederkirchnerstraße 8This outdoor and indoor history museum documents the terror applied by the Nazi regime. It is on the site of buildings which during the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945 were the headquarters of the Gestapo and the SS, the principal instruments of repression during the Nazi era.
phone: +49 30 2599-3300address: Lindenstraße 9-14Designed by Daniel Libeskind with an excellent exposition on the Jewish life in Berlin and the impact of the Holocaust. You can easily spend a day here. There is a metal scanner and other security features you'd rather expect at an airport than a museum.
phone: +49 30 254 86 0address: Niederkirchnerstraße 7It was a museum of applied arts and a listed historical monument since 1966, and it now is a well-known Berlin exhibition hall.
phone: +49 30 78902600address: Alte Jakobstraße 124-128A museum of modern art, photography and architecture. Its collection focuses on art created in Berlin.
phone: +49 30 90 2540address: Trebbiner Straße 9Huge technical museum, on a former railroad depot, featuring from ancient water and wind mills to computer pioneer Konrad Zuse's inventions, a collection of old to new vehicles of all types -bicycles, boats, trains, etc - and the interactive Spectrum science center with various hands-on experiments. There's an actual C-17 "Candy Bomber" airplane hanging on its façade. The railroad and aeronautical sections are hard to beat.

phone: +49 30 251 71 59address: Mühlenstraße 3-100The longest stretch of the Berlin Wall still in existence, painted by artists in 1991 and restored in 2009, after years of decay. At Mühlenstraße, next to the river Spree. The murals are painted on the east side of the wall after the fall of Communism; so they are not from the Cold War, during which murals could only be painted on the west side. Make sure not to miss the famous mural of a car seemingly crashing through the wall with Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker kissing above it. It is actually on the back side of the gallery (it is facing away from the street.) It is just inside the entrance of the Eastern Comfort Hostel, near the east end of the gallery.
Simon-Dach-StraßeThe heart of Friedrichshain and its nightlife with numerous cafés, bars and restaurants along its entire extent and also in the side streets.
Boxhagener Platz and surroundingsThe area around Boxhagener Platz is filled with bars, cafes and small shops. Boxhagener Platz itself is a small park with a playground and a cafe, and the nearby Simon Dach Straße is filled with cheap bars and restaurants. At the weekend you can find many places that serve the famous, cheap Berliner brunch. On Sundays there is a small flea market worth strolling around
phone: +49 30 60988577address: Karl-Marx-Allee 93aExhibition of digital interactive entertainment culture. You can actually play almost all of the exhibits making it a more "hands on" museum than most.
Oberbaum BridgeArguably the most beautiful bridge in Berlin and the only connection between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg. As signage on the bridge indicates, it was built twice - once in the 1890s and once in the 1990s. Before reunification the border ran where the bridge now is.
Karl-Marx-AlleeThe main street of former East Berlin. It is a big avenue, featuring neoclassical East German buildings, fountains and lakes.
MärchenbrunnenIn 1893 the authorities of Berlin issued the artistic entrance to the National Park Friedrichshain. The fountain of fairy tales was commissioned by the National Park and later designed by Ludwig Hoffmann.
address: Revaler Str. 99The RAW Gelände is one of Berlin's best known and wildest culture and party areas. It is on the old railway repair premises of the former (East) German State Railway (Reichsbahn) and includes a lot of clubs (such as Suicide Circus, Cassiopeia, Haubentaucher, Der weiße Hase), concert venues (e.g. Astra Kulturhaus), Bars (e.g. Badehaus), the outdoor climbing park Kegel at a former cone-shaped WWII high-rise bunker, the indoor skate park Skatehalle Berlin, art galleries (RAW Art, Urban Spree), flea markets at the weekend and the open-air cinema Inselkino.
Prenzlauer Berg
There aren't many museums and only a few minor sights to explore in Prenzlauer Berg, although the (free) Kulturbrauerei Museum is well worth a detour for those interested in everyday life in East Germany. Of some interest is the atmosphere in the streets, sitting down in a nice café and watching the hip crowds go by.

address: Knaackstraße 97, Building 6.2Find out how it felt to live in East Germany in this modern and well-presented exhibition. The museum is a good starting point if you only have a few minutes to sneak a quick peek inside an East German family's living room, but you can spend hours diving further into the stories behind each exhibit by flicking through the documents on display or listening to contemporary witnesses' accounts (English translations available). The museum opened in November 2013 and is housed inside a beautifully restored former brewery; make sure to take a stroll through the courtyards!
KollwitzplatzThe Kollwitzplatz, with a small nice park, is one of Berlin's most beautiful Gründerzeit city squares. Together with the Kollwitzstraße which is crossing it, it offers many cafés and restaurants, but is also a well-known symbol in Germany for gentrification since the late 1990s. Its flea market which takes place every Sunday in one of Berlin's best known and focuses on international delicatessen foods.
KastanienalleeKastanienallee is well known for its numerous cafés and fashion stores, as well as its many cultural venues in the backyards such as alternative cinemas, theaters and beergardens. It is also nicknamed Casting Alley as it has been Berlin's primary catwalk for fashionistas and hipsters for many years.
Oderberger StraßeOderberger Straße is one of Berlin's best known streets in regard to nightlife, bars and cafés, and hip stores. It is also known for its beautiful and generous Gründerzeit architecture. Since before Germany's reunification the street has been the desired place for alternative folks, hipsters and avant-gardists, but the area has seen continual gentrification since the early 2000s.
WasserturmThe first (and one of the biggest) water tower of Berlin (built 1877).
address: Rykestraße 53The synagogue in the backyard of an apartment house is one of the biggest in Germany.
Jüdischer Friedhof Schönhauser Allee
address: Schönhauser Allee 23-25Jewish cemetery and lapidarium with old tombstones. GethsemanekircheThe meeting point of one of the leading oppositions against the GDR regime and is a great Neogothic church. Also the only ecumenical Lord's supper with Protestants and Catholics together took place in the Gethsemanekirche (2003).
Museum for Architectural Drawing
phone: +49 30 437 39 0 90address: Christinenstraße 18The museum is in a iconic building opened in June 2013, showcases privately owned collection of architectural drawings from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. -
phone: +49 30 4218 450address: Prenzlauer Allee 80
address: Brunnenstraße 105Go on guided tours below Berlin to the World War II bunkers, flak towers, Cold War defence shelters, etc.
HumboldthainA pleasant park, featuring an anti-aircraft gun emplacement ("Flakturm") which offers sweeping views over Berlin
address: Plantagenstraße 31A space for art exhibitions, events and discussion in the silent green Kulturquartier, a former crematorium.

phone: +49 30 6911211 (box office)address: Fidicinstraße 40Theatre that features all plays/music theatre in English.
phone: +49 30 6924785address: Kottbusser Damm 22Cinema showing independent and older movies, some in English. It is the oldest cinema in Germany (1907).
phone: +49 30 61609693address: Dresdener Straße 126, 10999 BerlinAlso non-mainstream movies in this small cinema built in the 1950s.
address: Eichenstraße 4An old cargo ship hull converted to a fresh-water swimming pool, anchored permanently on the river Spree. Provides a nice opportunity to swim on the Spree, without actually swimming in the river itself, which is far too polluted. A bar with disco DJ music is situated just next to the pool. In winter time, the pool is covered against the weather.
East Side GalleryThe longest stretch of the Berlin Wall that is still standing. It has been painted by street artists and has several famous art pieces. (If you want to see the wall in its original condition, see the Gedenkstatte Berliner Mauer in Wedding.)
phone: +49 30 66766837address: Revaler Str. 99At this outdoor climbing area which is on the RAW Gelände you can do rope climbing at a cone-shaped high-rise bunker from World War II, called the Kegel (cone). The venue also offers an indoor and outdoor bouldering area. In the Kegel shop you can rent or buy climbing gear and book rope climbing or bouldering courses. In summer, there is also an open-air cinema and a beergarden right next to the Kegel.
phone: +4930 28034088address: Kopernikusstraße 24Café with over 1200 high-quality board, card, and dice games, both European and American, available to play. Many have rules in English. Perfect for a rainy day. Food and drinks for sale.
phone: +49 30 69548726address: Simplonstraße 8Paint your own piece of ceramic and have it glazed and burned. Pick it up after 1-3 days.
Mercedes Benz ArenaA modern indoor sports and concert venue, it is among other things the permanent home of Alba Berlin, Berlin's premier Basketball team and Eisbären Berlin, the professional Ice Hockey club of Berlin.
Prenzlauer Berg
Nearly everywhere the clubs and bars are open till at least 17:00 (on weekends).

MauerparkAt the end of the Eberswalder Straße, it was once a piece of the Berlin wall. Today in the summer it is a nice place to be, especially for young people. There's an interesting flea market going on every weekend. In the summer weekend afternoons, you can witness - or participate in - the Bearpit Karaoke.
Bearpit KaraokeThe famous open-air karaoke at the amphitheater in Mauerpark where the bravest can show off to the incidental audience.
address: Schönhauser Allee 36A complex that was once a brewery. There you can find the Jazz Cafe, the SODA restaurant where you can enjoy a fine meal of insects, and some clubs: Club 23, nbi and frannz. The KulturBrauerei also has several cinemas showing alternative movies, the Kesselhaus concert house, and one of the best shop for instruments in Berlin, the "Sound and Drumland".

Kastanienallee and Oderberger StraßeNice streets with lots of little shops and cafes to sit outside in the summer and watch people pass by. Once a catwalk for fashionistas and hipsters, Kastanienallee had been nicknamed Casting Alley some years ago.
HelmholtzplatzLittle park with cafes and restaurants surrounding it.
address: Stargarder Straße 76Get you hair cut for €20.
Max Schmeling HalleNamed after the 1930s boxing great and home of the Berlin Füchse (originally from Reinickendorf) the premier Handball team of Berlin
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Sportpark
address: Cantianstraße 24A soccer and American Football stadium with track and field facilities which has been host to several important competitions in the past, including most German Bowls (Finals of the German American Football League) in recent years as well as the 2018 edition to be held in October
phone: +49 30 89644787address: Nordufer 26A public beach at the small natural lake Plötzensee.
Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain
Department stores
Karstadt HermannplatzBuilt in 1929; large shopping center including clothing, book, and beauty products shops, a post office, and its own high-end supermarket, (probably only second to KaDeWe in the area). The grocery section of Karstadt has fresh meat, seafood, and cheese sections.

Flea market at Boxhagener Platz
address: Boxhagener Platz 1 -
address: Marheinekeplatz 15A market hall with different vendors (mostly food and drinks) including butchers, bakeries, delicatessen, fruits and vegetables etc.
address: Eisenbahnstraße 42/43A market hall.
Record stores
phone: +49 30 61130111address: Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44aThe techno record shop in Berlin; huge back catalogue and weekly news from around the world; also reggae 7" and drum&bass.
address: Ohlauer Str. 44Big second-hand record store.
phone: +49 30 6947463address: Zossener Straße 33A large selection of electronic music, from the latest releases to older vinyl.
phone: +49 3027589725address: Gabriel-Max Str. 9Funny, creative selection of rockabilly and punk t-shirts, bar, and band merchandise.
address: Gärtnerstraße 29a, FriedrichshainFriedrichshain is full of screenprinted t-shirt stores, but Nüx stands out with their high-quality natural-history-museum designs such as owls, fish, and foxes.
Gifts and home decor
address: Zimmerstraße 11Only 100 m from Checkpoint Charlie you will find a small but very interesting place for extraordinary souvenirs and gifts made by local designers. The gallery shows changing exhibitions of contemporary art, films and more from Berlin artists and the little Café offers the best Espresso – fairly traded and organically grown, refreshing lemonades without artificial additives, »Berliner Weisse with a shot« ... in summer also outside in the deck chair
address: Prinzenstraße 85, Kreuzberg (U Moritzplatz)Berlin's biggest and best art, craft, and design supply store. A must-visit if you are at all artistically inclined.
address: Boxhagenerstraße 32, FriedrichshainBerlin's only 'textile butchery' sells pillows shaped like meat, made 'fresh' on the premises by Silvia – a unique and whimsical Berlin souvenir.
address: Gärtnerstraße 28, FriedrichshainTwo 'sister' stores next to each other – one is a well-curated papeterie, the other focuses on kitchenwares.
Prenzlauer Berg
Flea markets
address: Bernauer Straße 63-64Great Sunday flea market for vintage clothing, furniture, rare vinyl; not many professionals. A typical Berlin experience.
Rosenthal Flohmarkt
address: Kopenhagener Straße 79-81
Bookshops and record stores
address: Danziger Straße 16Electronic music. -
Der Plattenladen
address: Eberswalder Straße 32Techno -
Da Capo
address: Kastanienallee 96Second-hand, rock, pop. -
address: Schönhauser Allee 49Hip hop. -
phone: +49 30 666 47 820address: Oderberger Str. 4, 10435 BerlinWhen this record store opened in 2002, it mainly specialized in Latin, Brazil and Italo house, disco and nu-jazz tunes. Today it offers vinyl from a wider range of genres including techno, electro and house.
Vopo Records
address: Danziger Straße 31Punk, rock. -
address: Choriner Straße 49International children's and youth literature and music.
phone: +49 30 44739573address: Schönhauser Allee 113For a wide variety of cheap secondhand books.
phone: +49 30 40301770address: Raumerstraße 8Berlin fans from all over the world can be spotted with the television tower, the city map or Berlin’s area code +49 30 on their tausche bags with exchangeable flaps and insets.
address: Stargarder Straße 67Quality shoes and cosmetics for ladies. -
Who Killed Bambi?
address: Eberswalderstraße 26Colourful tops, bags & things. -
Sgt. Peppers
address: Kastanienallee 91-9270s secondhand. -
Pauls Boutique
address: Oderbergerstraße 47Sneakers. -
address: Kastanienallee 12Sneakers.
address: Oderberger Straße 53 -
Hit In TV
address: Oderberger Straße
phone: +49 30 33986168address: Greifswalder Straße 195Great selection of old design lamps in a crazy shop.
Gesundbrunnen and Wedding
Farmers Market
address: LeopoldplatzA small open-air farmers market right on Leopoldplatz.
Known for its innovative and good value restaurants. The variety of immigrants can be witnessed in the corresponding restaurants. The following have been recommended in a fast changing market.
phone: +49 30 7623 2253address: Friesenstraße 2
address: Oberbaumstraße 8
address: Mehringdamm 36Excellent pork sausage (German: Wurst) with curry ketchup and curry powder.
address: Adalbertstraße 93
phone: +49 30 611 5160address: Wiener Straße 69Famous for its burgers and weekend buffet breakfast, good cocktails in the evening. -
phone: +49 30-695 64 359address: Bergmannstraße 11 and 98
phone: +49 30 611 3291address: Skalitzer Straße 35Asian breakfast buffet on weekends (reservation essential!), restaurant and bar every day with good food for mid-range prices. -
address: Mehringdamm 32Regarded as the best Döner Kebab in Berlin. Mustafas is a local institution and draws crowds of tourists and Berliners day and night. Expect to stand in line for 20-40 minutes to get your kebab, which attests to the reputation that this place has. Drink beer from the convenience store while you wait.
address: Oppelner Straße 4Sudanese fast food shop, serves excellent falafel and other Arabic snacks together with its famous peanut sauce.
phone: +493069507333address: Friesenstr. 22This authentic Thai restaurant offers great food made from fresh ingredients. The ambiente and staff are nice and friendly, and they know English (and Thai, for that matter). Most meals are available as a small portion.
phone: +49 30-61 07 47 03address: Wiener Straße 20.Innovative and creative Asian, Polynesian and South American breakfast.
To Loc
address: Wiener Straße 61Indochinese cuisine. Some consider it the best Asian kitchen in the neighborhood. -
address: Wiener Straße 19Authentic and clean Chinese restaurant with excellent dumplings.
phone: +49 30 61625959address: Hasenheide 10Delicious Vietnamese cuisine, a main course for €4.90. They have a daily changing menu and great lassis.
phone: +49 30 61283110address: Paul-Lincke-Ufer 23Small cozy Mediterranean mama-style home cooking situated near the Landwehrkanal. The menu is small but changes everyday. Friendly and not too expensive, very nice wines. Fresh pasta is a must.
- Opposite the U-Bahn station Schlesisches Tor is a very good Turkish bakery which offers broad variety of pastries, cakes, bread and other sweet stuff.
Angus Restaurant Steak-Haus
phone: +49 30 786 27 42address: Kreuzbergstraße 11-12Pizza, pasta, different steaks etc. Its one of the cheapest restaurants in Kreuzberg and because of this very crowded (which is part of the nice atmosphere). -
phone: +49 30 2593 1818address: Wilhelmstraße 22Spanish and Argentinian food. Food is good and portions are not so small, waiters are able to speak English. Have a look at the water and drink prices and the taxes to avoid surprises.
phone: +49 30 60031680address: Mehringdamm 57In a former chocolate factory. Buffet for €12, brunch on Sunday for €14.90.
phone: +49 30 614 2373address: Adalbertstraße 10The flagship of a chain run by Mehmet Aygun, who has a pretty good claim to inventing the döner kebab as we know it.
phone: +49 30 614 02697address: Oranienplatz 11-13Institution for generation 68, breakfast till 16:00 and global kitchen highlights every week. -
phone: +49 695 37 859address: Muskauer Straße 9Jamaican-European fusion food.
phone: +49 30 40 50 57 75address: Rykestraße 36
phone: +49 30-667 634 53address: Krossener Straße 21-22Huge selection of gourmet burgers at reasonable prices. Mediterranean, gorgonzola/walnut, vegetarian, etc., with plenty of homemade relishes and dressings. There is a take-away shop in no 22 and a restaurant in no 21, but the benches outside the take-away shop are crowded, especially in summer.
address: Warschauer Straße 34Inexpensive cafe selling burgers (€5), salads, breakfast and hot and cold drinks, opens early and closes late. Also offers a wide range of bottled beers (€1.50-3) to take away,
Nil Sudanesische Spezialitäten
address: Grünberger Straße 52Unique place with ethnic cuisine from Sudan. Wonderful place for anybody who would like to taste something from Africa, like quark cheese with fenugreek and black cumin or peanut soup - different and original.
phone: +49 30 547 300 42address: Simon-Dach-Str. 14Mediterranean food. Amazing weekend brunch buffet. Free wireless Internet
phone: +49 163-987 07 67address: Boxhagener Straße 68Very fresh and good fish. Select your fish and have the chef cook it. -
phone: +49 30 610 74309address: Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 2Beautiful waterside restaurant on a wooden quay with European dishes and a relaxing view on the Flutgraben river branch. -
Korea Manna
address: Niederbarnimstraße 11Don't let the Heineken sign misguide you, this place serves excellent Korean food. Try the steamed soy beans as starter and have a bottle of Soju, a Korean schnaps similar to wodka. -
phone: +49 30 936 21978address: Krossener Straße 20Portuguese tapas, bread, wine, beer and coffee. Good place to have a real dinner or just hang our and share a bottle of wine with a couple of tapas
phone: +49 30 95616788address: Libauer Straße 11Austrian restaurant. The best schnitzels in the area. The vegetables are great too.
phone: +49 30 29 04 97 04address: Simplonstraße 16Very white and clean but still cozy restaurant with knodels, schnitzel and other German food. Very popular, so make a reservation. Has a great Sunday brunch with a buffet of dishes in individual glass jars.
phone: +49 30 45 30 565 25address: Am Schwanenteich im Volkspark FriedrichshainThe Schoenbrunn Restaurant is in the Volkspark Friedrichshain next to "Großer Teich". There's also a beergarden where you can sit outside in the sun.
Spätzle & Knödel
phone: +49 30 27571151address: Wühlischstraße 20Simple and informal restaurant but the southern Swabian-Bavarian food is delicious and spot on. And they have good beer to match the food. -
phone: +49 30 29 364 816address: Holteistraße 6-9This big old gym is turned into a spacious restaurant, lounge and cocktail bar. Free wireless internet.
Prenzlauer Berg
Prenzelberg is very popular with students and other budget-conscious people but in recent years the area (especially around Kollwitzplatz) has been developed which has attracted more upmarket restaurants. In other words, check the menu before you sit down.
address: Prenzlauer Allee 46Thai restaurant. Excellent service. Recommended for value and food quality by many in the tourist scene. Has same prices as in 1996.
Berliner Currywurst & Coffeeshop
phone: +49 171-2891768address: Knaackstraße 98Finest German food. -
address: Pappelallee 73Good food, nice salads, reasonable prices. -
Kleine Eiszeit
address: Stargarder StraßeThe best ice-cream in Prenzlauer Berg, expect a long queue, closed in winter.

address: Schönhauser Allee 44BFamous for their Currywurst and truly does sell the best curry sausage you can find. A local would ask for a "Curry mit 'ner Schrippe" (a Currywurst with a roll). Since 1930.
Neugrüns Köche
phone: +49 30-440 12 092address: Schönhauser Allee 135aModern German kitchen with daily changing menus. Opens at 18:00. -
Pizzeria I Due Forni
address: Schönhauser Allee 12Water (Tafelwasser) is free, a rarity in Germany. -
address: Kastanienallee 7-9A beer garden with a restaurant under shady chestnut trees. The oldest beer garden in Berlin.
phone: +49 30 390815 131Small bistro inside upscale supermarket. Sit at the small tables or at the bar, where you can watch the chef prepare your meal from scratch with fresh high quality ingredients. The food is simple and fresh, always excellent cuts of meat or fish. The wine by the glass is a good deal, which you know because you can pick up a bottle from the wine-rack behind you when you leave.
phone: +49 30 55 06 55 78address: Prenzlauer Allee 145, 10409Excellent Indian food.
address: Sprengelstraße 41A restaurant making very good pizza with vegetarian or vegan toppings. Their wood-fired oven is right at the entrance of the place, and you sit downstairs in the basement (or outside in summer).
phone: +49 30 4537613address: Nordufer 10Good German food. Has a nice outside seating area in summer covered by trees.
Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain
Bars and cafes

Astro Bar
phone: +49 173 7682625address: Simon-Dach-Straße 40, 10245This trashy retro-bar with its futuristic robot decoration and Atari asteroids screens is certainly the most popular and long-established venue in Friedrichshain's Simon-Dach Kiez. Varying DJs play electro sounds from 22:00. -
address: Wiener Straße 21Bar in the heart of Kreuzberg, DJs on the weekend (rock, pop, funk, soul, disco), entrance is free and international audience. Mondays all cocktails half price.
Bar Sofia
address: Wrangelstraße 93Small café and bar with a bit tacky but very nice interior. Open daily from 09:00. Hot drinks till 20:00, alcoholic drinks from 18:00. Outside sitting permitted only until 00:00. -
phone: +49 30 61074029address: Schlesische Str. 41, 10997Cozy retro-style bar with a lot a vintage furnishings, graffiti and typographic artworks on the wall, a large selection of beverages including bio drinks and regularly live music.
phone: +49 30 31987929address: Revaler Straße 99, 10245Popular bar-club, offering live music, funk, disco and house music in an old brick building on the RAW compound.
address: Gneisenaustraße 58Small and cosy bar with a large choice of cocktails, spirits and wine. For those who are hungry this place serves tapas and for those who want to smoke some cigars.
phone: +49 30-691 13 52address: Arndtstr. 25Bar with sushi and excellent cocktail and whiskey selection.
address: Holzmarktstraße 25Sort of a cultural village at the Spree River founded by an alternative cooperative with a restaurant, bar, club, beer garden, an acrobat's hall, music studios and a bakery.
phone: +49 3029367534address: Wühlischstraße 22/23Microbrewery in former butcher shop. They have a good selections on tap, all own production and from other microbreweries.
- Konrad Tönz , Falkenstein Straße. Retro 70s with live DJs playing old vinyl records. Most comfortable chairs imaginable and the barman, Jens, is a local legend for his friendliness and charm. Open Tuesday-Sunday 20.00 - whenever (usually around 3-5AM).
address: Lübbener Straße 19Gigs 5 days a week (indie-rock, experimental, folk). Crazy decor (everything is upside-down). Open daily from 18:00 till late.
- Luzia, Oranienstraße 34. Hot brand-new bar.
Orient Lounge
phone: +49 30-69 56 67 62address: Oranienstraße 13Relaxing lounge with good drinks. -
address: Wienerstraße 20Punkrock Club with live music, great deco.
Wiener Blut
address: Wiener Straße 14. -
address: Yorkstraße 81Is synonymous with the expression "economic miracle". The prices are very low and it has a good local Kreuzberg atmosphere. -
address: Dresdener Straße 122Great bar for cocktails. Fills up fast even on weekdays and is very crowded on Fridays and Saturdays. -
address: Großbeerenstraße 64The most adventurous bar in Berlin. You'll be surprised what kind of drinks they have on their beverage list. They say some people entered the Zyankali and never came out again.
phone: +49 30 22 60 03 77address: Gärtnerstrasse 6Cozy wine bar with a selection of interesting German wines. And some Hungarian. They also serve delicious sausages and cheeses.

address: Markgrafendamm 24c, 10245This techno club founded by a leftist collective is in a rundown industrial area. The club is known for its endless niches and corners and has two floors and a garden. Guests should know which DJs are playing this night.
phone: +49 30 20056767address: Revaler Straße 99, 10245Popular nightclub and concert venue on the RAW compound with beergarden and international bookings.
phone: +49 30 25933042address: Revaler Straße 99, 10245Nightclub on the RAW compound, offering indie and jazz concerts, hip hop jams and house music in an old industrial building.
address: Am Wriezener BahnhofThe world-famous techno club. It is situated in an old power generation plant near the Ostbahnhof, sports a huge dancefloor and has room for more than 1500 people. Panorama Bar upstairs is open late until Sunday afternoon. Gay friendly, with hidden darkrooms and leatherboys. Be prepared for tough door policy on popular nights. Not for teenagers, no cameras allowed (mobile phones with a camera are now allowed, but holders are expressly warned not to use them).
address: Schleusenufer 3, 10997This techno club with two dance floors is a former industrial warehouse which has been tenderly redesigned inside using a lot of wood, and which has a good sound system, a roof terrace and a cozy outdoor area in summer.
phone: +49 30 47385949address: Revaler Straße 99, 10245Eclectic mix of shows on, most nights of the week. good hip hop, reggae, drum’n’bass and electro events across 3 rooms and a terrace in an old factory. €5-10 entry. Opens about 10 but typically quiet until 00:00-01:00. Good strip of small vegetarian cafes in the same alley if you need to kill some time. Beers €2.50.

phone: +49 30 695 18942address: Am Flutgraben 1, 12435 BerlinAtmospheric club at the waterside well-known for minimal techno, house and techno-house and high-grade DJ bookings. Originally only a summer venue, it now also has an indoor winter location at the MS Hoppetosse excursion ship which is docked nearby.
phone: +49 030 755494071address: Köpenicker Str. 18, 10997Two-floor techno club in an old industrial building near the Spree river, which the New York Times describes as follows: "greets visitors like a junkyard, with the wreck of a 1950s car, an outdoor seating area that looks as if was knocked together from scraps and, as a box office, the remnants of a bus."
- Geburtstagsklub, Am Friedrichshain 33. Best reggae party in town on Mondays, other days vary.
phone: +49 030 25922702address: Obentrautstraße 19-21Drum ’n’ Bass, Latin, hip-hop and Afrobeat club within a vaulted former military horse stable.
phone: +49 30 297766770address: Revaler Straße 99, 10245Open-air summer club with a large swimming pool, bars, DJs and parties.
phone: +49 30 695 18942address: Eichenstrasse 4, 12435 BerlinThis is a club for minimal techno and house located on a permanently docked excursion ship on the Spree river, the MS Hoppetosse. It is the winter venue for the Club der Visionäre. It has one dance floor and a Martion Bullfrog sound system.
phone: +49 30 61074309address: Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 2, 10997This techno club began as a cozy, wild and wooden open-air club at the waterside for the summer season, but now also offers two indoor dancefloors. It is behind the Freischwimme restaurant. The warehouse-like mainfloor has a decent Kirsch audio system.
address: Pettenkoferstraße 17A4 floors of goth, industrial, synthpop, post-punk, wave, metal, hardcore and punk, in a backstreet of Friedrichshain. Impressive exterior and outdoor bar. Less snobby than some goth clubs, but the unofficial dress code is all black.

address: Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243This techno club built out of wood is one of the successors of the famous Bar 25 and right at the waterside. DJs from the in-house label Katermukke play here regularly.
address: Schlesische Str. 41, 10997This club in a decommissioned industrial building pours on the charm with its old pipes and control panels. DJ are playing electro, funk, nu disco or salsa in this often artfully decorated venue. Inexpensive drinks and bio beer available.
phone: +49 30 2936 9990address: Warschauer Platz 18, 10245This long-standing dance music club is located within ten claybrick vaults beneath the Warschauer Straße U-Bahn station. Once purely electronic, it nowadays offers a wide range of dance music genres. With its sociable atmosphere it attracts a predominantly younger party crowd which is not fixed on a certain genre.
address: Alt-Stralau 1-2, 10245This techno club in a former harbor generating plant is the successor of the noted Magdalena club and has a huge dance floor and an audio system designed by Gary Stewart.
address: Prinzenstraße 85f, 10969This is a house and hip-hop club in the facilities of a former indoor swimming pool. It is decorated with light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, a wooden DJ booth and dancefloor and the bar is in the dry swimming pool. It is known for high-grade house bookings and has a Funktion One sound system.
phone: +49 30 322332232address: Ritterstraße 26, 10969This techno club on three levels with an old commercial building is known for its artful decoration. It has a dance floor called Dampfmaschine.
address: Oranienstraße 190Legendary club whose roots are punk, nowadays plays different alternative and mainstream concerts. Don't miss the Gayhane, the Turkish "homoriental" gay party.
address: Revaler Str. 99, 10245Techno club with an indoor dancefloor in a former railway depot, an outdoor dancefloor and a garden. It is 100 meters away from the Warschauer Straße S-Bahn station on the former RAW railway compound. High-grade techno, electro and house bookings.
address: Falckensteinstraße 49Big club right on the Spree specializing in house, break-beats and DnB. Split-level layout and fantastic night views of the river. The main room is famous for its LED lighting. Tough door policy.
phone: +49 30 25041426address: Alt-Stralau 70, 10245This techno club behind a wooden fence and with its numerous artfully decorated rooms is one of the most reknowned in Berlin.
phone: +49 30 6151354address: An der Schillingbrücke 3Large reggae/dancehall, hip-hop and afrobeat club in the factory building which previously housed the clubs Maria am Ostbahnhof and Deli an der Schillingbrücke. A focus on street art and street sports and a beach bar in summer.
Prenzlauer Berg
Bars and cafes
address: Raumer Straße 16Relaxed Mediterranean/Arabic style bar cafe serving good food, with occasional music and movies, has a separate smoking section.
phone: +49 30 44051228address: Kastanienallee 103Iconic café-bar in a retro living room style right at the entrance of Kastanienalle from where locals overlook the neighborhood from behind large windows. With regular live DJs, readings and Hollywood swings on the street.
phone: +49 30 44356640address: Lychener Str. 11Longstanding and often crowded bar with kickers and small dance floor. DJs play indie, latin, disco or electro.
address: Metzer Straße 22A large bright corner cafe and bar. Direct fair trade coffee, organic teas & ice cream, home-made cakes. Evenings there is bistro food including pastas and salads.
address: Dunckerstraße 10Popular cafe and bar specializing in chocolate, ran by the chocolate shop next door. Has a great view of Helmholtzplatz and good hot chocolate.
phone: +49 30 48623292address: Oderberger Str. 44This iconic café with its diversified collection of colored retro chairs and its wild, overgrown outdoor terrace which is so typical of the hipster-hedonist Kastanienallee-Oderbergerstraße heighborhood offers crêpes, waffles, housemade ice cream, and an excellent breakfast. On crowded weekends, count in some waiting time.
KulturbrauereiA former brewery which now houses many bars and restaurant. Most famous is the Soda Club with an excellent bar.
- Luxus bar, Prenzlauer Allee 197. Great small bar, nice with bricks and an aquarium, looks like an old meat store, can be crowded, excellent music.
phone: +49 30 44317844address: Kastanienallee 85Alternative cafe serving vegetarian and vegan food, quite a recommended place for people interested in squats and related issues.
address: Rykestr. 45Third wave coffee place with a beautiful terrace and homemade sweets & savory food. Its espresso blends include 'the coffee collective' Copenhagen and 'bonanza coffee heroes' Berlin. Pour-over coffee with single origins for a real caffeine high are obtained too.
phone: +49 30 443 830address: Schönhauser Allee 176This is a large former brewery compound which has been reused as a cultural and nightlife center with changing clubs, bars, theaters, restaurants, a large beer garden, a hostel and artist's studios for decades. It is a bit similar to the Kulturbrauerei but has been wilder and more run-down until its recent renovation.
address: Kastanienallee 13Very popular bar with a local and international student crowd. -
phone: +49 30 68004203address: Kollwitzstraße 18Cozy retro-style cocktail and whisky bar right at the entry point to Kollwitzstraße with 1950s furniture and wallpapers and reasonable prices. This long-standing bar had already been here when the surrounding buildings did not yet exist at all.
phone: +49 30 4455458address: Lettestraße 6, corner of SchliemannstraßeThe first 'trendy' bar in this part of Prenzlberg and still very popular. Serves breakfasts and is open late. Separate smoking room
phone: +49 176 24412940address: Lychener Str. 15Retro-stlye bar with very relaxed atmosphere, genuine 1970s interior and excellent drinks. The prices are fair and the bartenders are nice. DJs play electro or soul.
address: Schönhauser Allee 36A typically Berlin-style club where you can play table tennis and drink cheap beer, very friendly place.
address: Dunckerstr. 64Alternative, hard rock, indie.
address: Schönhauser Allee 36A relaxed pop/rock club in Kulturbrauerei, also with live music.
phone: +49 30 1234567address: Berliner Str. 80, 13189This is the successor of the famous Klub Der Republik at Pappelallee 81. Its legendary decoration, original lamps and sofas from East Berlin's demolished Palast der Republik, has moved to the new location. The dancefloor is in the cellar of a former brewery, and the bar within a decommissioned transformer station. Varying DJs play electro and house.
address: Greifswalder Straße 224Former communist youth center. Three floors with different music and hosts live concerts.
address: Greifswalder Str. 212/213Alternative. Some indie concerts and club nights. Take care, there is also a FC Magnet Bar in Veteranenstraße, which is a cool place, too.
address: Schönhauser Allee 36Nice, small club, not really for dancing, with friendly people and live sets. Usually electro or minimal music, as well as indie pop/rock nights.
- Bastard, Kastanienallee, next to Prater Garten. Mostly punk, ska and alternative music.
phone: +49 162 4931915 (mobile phone)address: Triftstraße 67A small brewery. In summer, they also have a biergarden (one of the few in Berlin where you can actually bring your own food). Throughout the year you can drink their beer in the bar (no outside food allowed there). They also distill spirits (including whisky).
phone: +49 30 52667668address: Antwerpener Straße 3A micro-brewery. You can drink their beer from tap (and other bottled beers) at their nice bar. Has some outside seating in summer. You can bring or order your own food and consume it in the bar.
phone: +49 30 29369164address: Knorrpromenade 10Cosy hostel providing room types such as dorms and private accommodations. Bathrooms and rooms are very clean and you´ll be equipped with Wi-Fi, internet, free coffee/tea, washing machine, computers, common kitchen.
phone: +49 30 257600address: An der Schillingbrücke 2
phone: +49 30 288 768 3address: Grünberger Straße 54Silent back yard, built in 1911, factory loft.
phone: +49 30 297 7810address: Boxhagener Str. 73
phone: +49 30 2977 360address: Straße der Pariser Kommune 352-bed rooms start at €19 per person, dorm starts at €14. One of this independent hostel's main attractions is its large, green courtyard which hosts a beer garden, BBQ, table tennis and comfortable seating areas. They have free internet access, laundry service and multilingual staff. They offer accommodations from single rooms with showers and WC, to beds in dormitory rooms.
address: Finowstraße 36Another cosy backpacker hostel that offers singles, doubles and dorms.
phone: +49 440 44 250address: Helsingforser Str. 17Dorms from €10/person, they also have doubles and apartments. The sunny side of Berlin, nicely decorated rooms.
Baxpax Kreuzberg Hostel Berlin
phone: +49 30 6951-8322address: Skalitzer Straße 104Kreuzberg's first hostel (est. 2000) is just off the main drag. Facilities are well maintained with very clean bathrooms/showers. Young (twenties) and mixed crowd. Beer for sale at all hours! -
phone: +49 30 26395880address: Stresemannstraße 66The hostel is in an old nunnery in Kreuzberg next to S Anhalter Bhf.
phone: +49 30 200 95 45-0address: Tempelhofer Ufer 14In one of Kreuzberg's "Kiez" a 15-min walk away from checkpoint Charlie. It's a renovated 19th-century building and all the interior is new. The service at the reception is also very nice and helpful.
phone: +49 30 600 57 52 7address: Adalbertstraße 97, 10999 BerlinThey have a big common room, a full equipped kitchen and free Internet.
MotelOne Berlin Mitte
phone: +49 30 611 7116address: Schlesische Str. 18An old factory building turned into a hostel.
phone: +49 30-69 515 510address: Hobrechtstr. 43Little hostel in the neighborhood of Kreuzberg.
phone: +49 30-69536450address: Urbanstraße 171Bed and Breakfast. Staff speaks English.
phone: +49 30-600 3168-0address: Mehringdamm 573-star hotel in a transformed chocolate company. Modernised rooms with good location to Bergmann Kietz. Known for its breakfast/brunch and good service. Popular with mid-aged city tourists in a small and cozy hotel.
phone: +49 30 230060address: Schöneberger Straße 3, 10963 BerlinUniquely designed hotel in Berlin's city centre, near Potsdamer Platz in the former Siemens building on Schöneberger Straße.
Prenzlauer Berg
phone: +49 30 4849-6815address: Schönhauser Allee 133a
phone: +49 30 4373-4353address: Driesener Str. 17
phone: +49 30 936 222 40address: Schwedter Str. 7Private rooms also available.
phone: +49 30 690 650 20address: Erich-Weinert-Str. 26Quiet location near Alexanderplatz. The guesthouse offers single, double, triple and fully served apartments.
phone: +49 30 417 240 0address: Storkower Str. 160
phone: +49 30 4473-3623address: Lettestr. 7
Meininger Hotel Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
phone: +49 30 666 36 100address: Schönhauser Allee 19 -
phone: +49 30 4849-3773address: Immanuelkirchstr. 14Transit, Hagelberger Str. 53-54 (Kreuzberg) is also part of this hostel chain.
phone: +49 30 93 93 58 58address: Am Pfefferberg, Christinenstraße 18-19Central location, walking distance to Alexanderplatz and yet in another world. It's in an old brewery complex converted into a cultural center. Dorms, private rooms. Easy access also from Schönhauser Allee 176
phone: +49 30 48496466address: Immanuelkirchstr. 34, 10405 BerlinReservations necessary, minimum stay two nights.
Hotel ackselhaus & blue home Berlin
phone: +49 30 44 33 76 33address: Belforter Straße 21In the centre of Berlin, 700 m away from the TV Tower, Alexanderplatz.
Smart Hostel, Hotel and Apartments
phone: +49 30 454 86 454address: Genter Str. 53 a/b
address: Weidenweg 51Double rooms start at €17.90 per person, dorm starts at €8.90. Small & homely independent hostel opened in December 2009. The hostel is decorated in an African style with each room having a different animal theme. 100% of the profit from the hostel is used to support the charity "Raise a Smile" which helps children in Zambia, Africa.
Red Rooster Bar and Hostel Odyssee
address: Grünberger Straße 23The Odyssee is independently run by a young crew - a real rock 'n 'roll place with a nice bar. This is a simple hostel which provides internet access, bicycle rental, and a bar (open until dawn). -
phone: +49 30-48496468Bed and Breakfast. The staff speak English.
FrauenzimmerPrivate accommodation for women, from women. Guestrooms and apartments.