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Caltanissetta is a medium-sized city in central Sicily, Italy.
It features a rich and long history, the first settlement dating to the 19th century BC.
The city still has traces of the different cultures which followed one another in Sicily: its current structure dates to the 10th century AD and is due to the Arabs, while many additions were made during Norman times and under the Aragonese rule of the Moncada family.
During the 19th century, the city grew in wealth thanks to the extraction of vast nearby sulphur deposits. With 88 mines in its territory, Caltanissetta was nicknamed the world's sulphur capital.
During the third decade of the 20th century, there was a period of intense cultural activity — so much that famed writer Leonardo Sciascia called it a "little Athens".
After the Second World War the city started a slow decline and is now one of the provincial capitals with the highest unemployment rates in the country.
It is particularly famous for its Easter rituals, which take place from Palm Sunday to Easter Monday. Because of the similarity in their Easter traditions, Caltanissetta is twinned with the Spanish city of Seville.

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