Danish phrasebook

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Ypsilon from Finland
Danish (dansk) is a Scandinavia language spoken in Denmark, some areas of Greenland and the northern parts of Schleswig-Holstein (Southern Schleswig). It is closely related to Norwegian and Swedish, and most speakers of one of the three languages can understand the others to a certain extent. In writing, the differences between the Danish and Norwegian languages are not bigger than the difference between British and American English, though it will often be harder in oral conversations. The Scanian dialect can also be considered as East-Danish as well as South-Swedish. Danish is also related to Faroese and Icelandic, but has diverged significantly and is not mutually intelligible with them, though many cognates will still be recognisable, particularly in written form. These Scandinavian languages are North Germanic, strongly influenced by Low Saxon.
As Danish is a Germanic language, speakers of other Germanic languages like German, Dutch or even English will be able to recognise many cognates.
Most younger adult Danes are able to speak English, so learning Danish is generally not necessary to get by. Nevertheless, you may occasionally find the odd person who does not speak English, especially when dealing with young children and the elderly, so some knowledge of Danish would be useful in such situations.

Pronunciation guide

Phrase list