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Sebastian Nils
Sebastian Nils
Ebeltoft is a city in Djursland in Denmark.
Ebeltoft city, the "Piece de Resistance" of Djursland, Jylland, Denmark, restored the 1860 Battle Frigate "Jylland", a world class maritime showpiece.
This 675 year old city was not always a touristy destination, except for a few hundred people who came from Copenhagen and Aarhus in the summer season, staying in summer houses along the coast. They found the quaint ways of the "Molbos" (Danish equivalent of hayseeds or bumpkins) and the half-timbered houses embellished by hollyhock roses along cobblestoned streets, to their liking. Indeed, it is within living memory, that a Town crier went around, bellowing the news of the day. Now people come from afar to see the frigate and the tiny perfect city hall from 1789, now a museum complete with the original dungeon, reached through a trap door in the floor of the reception hall.
Ebeltoft is not only steeped in history, but now also the location of The European Film College, which opened here in 1993 and is housed in the hills just on the outskirts of town. Unique restaurants abound in town, as well as outside, in the hills of "Molboland", now part of the Mols Bjerge National Park since 2008.

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