Goričko Landscape Park

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Goričko Landscape Park is in Slovenia. It is ideal for country walks, picnics, cycling, walking, hiking or exploring diverse ecosystem. Krajinski Goričko Goričko is a hilly and mountainous part of Prekmurje. Goričko Landscape Park was created in order to preserve the character who hides his identity and diversity and which man can co-exist. Landscape park covering the municipalities Cankova Goričko, Dobrovnik Petrovci Upper Castle, Hodos, Kobilje, Kuzma, Spa and Spa, Puconci Rogašovci and Šalovci. Park to maintain a balance between man and nature and protecting the natural diversity of Goričko Landscape Park agricultural crops, forests, orchards, meadows, wetlands, and thus the lives of many, including rare species of plants and animals. Hilly and covered with dense forest landscape was never densely populated. This can be developed and unspoiled nature preserve in its best light. The park is located between the other three very rare species of bats, and as 174 species of birds. As in other nature parks in the restrictions and rules that prevent large and damaging interventions in nature.


