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Gulbene is a town (population about 9000) in Vidzeme, Latvia.Understand
phone: +371 4497729address: Ābeļu 2Information on attractions in the region is available from the local tourist association office.
Get in provides up-to-date bus and train schedules, route planner and prices.
By bus
Several buses leave from Riga each day to Gulbene. Trip times vary, but it generally takes about 3 hr.By train
There is a train connection between Gulbene and Riga, but fewer services run than by bus.Get around
Exploring on foot is the preferred choice. The narrow gauge railway station is just 1 km north of the centre.
Gulbene Municipality History and Art Museum
phone: +371 64473098address: Brīvības iela 10 -
Orthodox Church of St. Alexander of Neva
phone: +371 28389893address: Vecstameriena, Stameriena parish, Gulbene region

Gulbene-Alūksne narrow gauge railway
phone: +371 20228884, +371 64473037address: Viestura iela 16G33 km in length, connecting Alūksne and Gulbene, this is the only narrow gauge railway in the Baltics
phone: +37120277265address: Jaunatne parkHandmade and homemade goods.
There are a number of cafés around town, including:
phone: +371 29205169address: Brivibas 18 -
phone: +371 29854894address: Dzelzceļa 8 -
phone: +371 26567044address: O. Kalpaka 27A -
phone: +371 29227177address: Brivibas 82 -
Flora Magnolija
phone: +371 26810475address: Rigas 63 -
phone: +371 64472078address: Rigas 65 -
Pie Kamīna
phone: +371 64473249address: Rigas 62 -
Pie Rūtas
phone: +371 64472280address: Brivibas 35 -
Rankas Sieri
phone: +371 28355405address: O. Kalpaka 29 -
phone: +371 28296909address: Brivibas 106 -
address: Miera 15A -
phone: +371 64473428address: Rigas 31
- Also, check out the following:
phone: +371 64473037, +371 20228884address: Viestura iela 16GGreat opportunity to spend a night at historical atmosphere at the depot. They offer room in an ascetic relaxation premises of locomotive crews, but also in the luxurious parlour car of Estonian Communist Party leaders, besides camping and picnic sites in the garden next to the depot. They also have a kitchen you can use, and 28 Beds all together.
phone: +371 64474850, +371 25546622address: Brīvības iela 18
Go next
- Alūksne – The destination of the narrow gauge train and located at the picturesque Lake Alūksne.
- Cesvaine – This nearby village of is home to the eclectic 19th century Cesvaine Palace, and ruins of medieval castles. The oldest palace in the country, its magnificent landscapes of pine forests are cut by Gauja river.
- Lake Lubānas – In the far southeastern corner of Vidzeme. The largest lake in Latvia by area, but also one of the shallowest ones with average depth just 3 m. A great place for windsurfing and under-ice fishing in winter.
- Madona – A scenic town surrounded by hills, forests and lakes, and a winter sports centre.