
Get in
- Shinkansen (bullet train) from: Tokyo (70 minutes, ¥5250); Nagano (30 minutes, ¥3070)
- Shinano railway from Nagano (90 minutes, ¥1590); Togura Station (in Chikuma; 70 minutes, ¥1170)
- Bus from: Tokyo's Ikebukuro Station (2-3 hours ,and ¥ 2500).
Karuizawa Shaw Memorial ChurchThis is the first church in Karuizawa, founded by the missionary A.C. Shaw. Shaw is also considered the founder of the settlement at Karuizawa, which was initially used as a retreat for church workers.
Kazakoshi Park ArenaSite of the 1998 Winter Olympics curling competition
Mount AsamaActive volcano featured in 100 Famous Japanese Mountains (日本百名山 Nihon Hyaku-meizan), the book composed in 1964 by mountaineer and author Kyūya Fukada
Shiraito falls

Old Karuizawa Main StreetStroll up and down the lively old main street which is packed with interesting shops. It is sometimes referred to as Old Karuizawa Ginza, because of the branches of stores from Tokyo's Ginza that open here in the summer. Keep your eyes open and you might see a fur coat in a shop window for a lazy ¥5,000,000 or so.
phone: +81-50-3786-1144address: HoshinoExpensive but luxurious resort featuring guest rooms by the lake, world class dining and spa.