Kecskemét is a town in central Hungary and the county seat of Bács-Kiskun county, half way between Budapest and Szeged, almost equal distance from the two big rivers of the country, Danube and Tisza. The city is well known for its secessionist architecture, museums, and for being the birthplace of composer Zoltan Kodály.

Tourist information
phone: +36 76 481065address: Kossuth tér 1Services: tourist information, brochures about Kecskemét and its region, and the country, maps of Kecskemét and Hungary, cultural event guides, tour guides, bike rental, postcards, gifts and books about Kecskemét .
Get in
By air
address: Ferihegyi út
By train

Train Station
phone: +36 76 322460address: Kodály Zoltán térDirect trains: - Budapest Nyugati station (hourly, Ft 1460 plus reservation fee Ft 520, 1hr 20min). Szeged (hourly, Ft 1350, 1hr 40min). Szolnok (least daily three, 67 km, 2 hours). Baja (least daily four, Ft 2830, 2hr 20min). Miskolc (Sundays, only in school season, Ft 4500, around 3hr 30min), - Avala EuroCity between Beograd and Vienna (from 2015) stop here. Timetable
By bus

Bus Station
phone: +36 76 321777address: Noszlopy Gáspár park, 1.To Budapest's Népliget bus station (hourly, between an hour and twenty minutes and two hours.)
By car
The M5 freeway connects Kecskemét to Budapest and Szeged.Get around
Rent a car
phone: +36 76 504214address: Petőfi Sándor u. 3.passenger vehicles, vans, caravans renting.
phone: +36 76 328-398address: Dózsa György út 31passenger vehicle, vans, minibus. Out of hours pick-up: +36 20 947-5079
Budget – Pannonia Rent a Car Ltd.
phone: +36 76 485499address: Lestár tér 2.Passenger vehicle, cargo from Budapest. Mobile 36 30 6297725. -
phone: +36 76 485-611address: Szolnoki hegy 232Passenger vehicle, van, minibus; daily, monthly and long-term passes.
phone: +36 76 503-062address: Halasi út 32/A.In case of long-term hire or leasing: Europ Car (Mr. Fluka Zoltán) +36 1 4218325.

phone: +36 76 481603address: Piaristák tere, 6, Jókai u. 1.A single nave, chancel straight closured, church with tower at southwest facade Andrew Mayerhoffer designed, built in 1724-30.
address: Kossuth tér,Szabadság térFree standing, square groundplan, two-nave church with straight closure. Built in 1684 and reconstructed in 1790-92, early baroque. Inner Equipment: 1790s, 1800s. Benches: 1759, 1802; Pulpit: 1791.
Saint Nicholas Franciscan church
address: Kossuth tér 3, Plébánia köz 1Built in 1786. Romanesque style with Gothic, Baroque rebuilding. Here is the 'Kecskemét purgatory relief' A sculpture composition at the Kecskemét Franciscan church at Kossuth square fence wall. Beneath the cross, purgatory relief depicting made in 1792 and it was a remnant of Calvary. The crucifix, Gábor Imre sculptor in 1943 was stayyed above the relief. Mary Magdalene and John the Apostle statues stayed in 1982, origins was a part of a Calvary of the Cemetery.

address: Kossuth tér, 2Free standing, one single nave church with straight closure sanctuary, At NW facade a fire tower with balcony, Built in Late-Baroque style, in 1774-1806. The frescoes in the sanctuary and the nave in 1901 by Roskovics Ignats; the decorative painting in 1901 by Lohr Ferenc. The Stained Glass Windows made in 1930, the Inner Equipment: typically over the 18th century; the High altar and two side altars image in 1791 by Falkoner József Ferenc. Masses: Su and holidays 07:00, 09:00, 10:30, 18:00; M-F 07:0, 08:00, 18:00; Advent 06:00, 08:00, 18:00. Church can be visited: M 12:00-19:00, Tu-Su 06:00-19:00.
address: Széchenyi tér 9Built in 1829,Fischer Agoston planned, neoclassic style. One single nave, semicircular sanctuary closure church with a tower at SW corner. It has a hipped gable roof over the sanctuary. Decorative Painting: The second half of the 19th century. Inner Equipment: particularly in the first half of the 19th century. Iconostasis: 1828 (wood-carving by Peter Pádits of Miskolc ), Images: around 1828, 1903 (by Joseph Kurbel).
address: Árpád körútBuilt between 1718-1726.
address: Arany János u. 1Built by Miklós Ybl in 1862-63, in romantic style.
Saint Elisabeth Roman Catholic church
address: Czollner térSingle nave church towered at northern facade. Former cemetery chapel stood here. Inner Equipment: particularly in the first half of the 19th century: The main altar and altar images: 1926 (Uher Aristide), 1939 (Marsovszky Emilia). Altars: 1890; Pulpit: 1939. Organ 1900 (Országh Sandor), extended: 1955. -
Chapel of the Visitation of Our Lady
address: Batthyány u. 6Baroque style chapel built in 1713. Reformed Church of Katonatelep
address: Ipoly utca 13Historical Monument. An art nouveau chapel by Geza Markus.

phone: +36 76 324625address: Klapka u. 34Features Hungarian folk art and furniture from local artists. In Klapka-house (listed building) built in 1786, Baroque style. (+36 76 417130)
phone: +36 76 486867address: Kápolna u. 11.This is a ceramic art centre.
Museum of Hungarian Naive Artists in Bano-house
phone: +36 76 324767address: Gáspár András körút 11.Former Bánó House, built around 1730 in Baroque style. A survey of the Naive, art produced by untrained artists that typically reflects peasant life. The collection includes several colorful, surreal or somewhat medieval paintings, as well as some sculptures. The museum in Bánó-house or Gólyás-house (listed building). -
Szórakaténusz Toy Museum and Workshop
phone: +36 76 324-767address: Gáspár András körút 11.Displays peasant toys of Hungary, some of the more fascinating ones include wooden churches and a wooden pinball game. The museum is fun for all ages. Workshop can be visited for an additional fee. -
Kecskeméti Képtár in the Ornamental Palace
phone: +36 76 480-776address: Rákóczi u. 1.Housed in the magnificent Cifra Palota the gallery hosts a history of the city (though with no explanations in English) and several modern paintings from Hungarian masters. One of the finest examples of Hungarian secessionist architecture, the building was completed in 1902 based on the designs of Hungarian architect Géza Márkus. Formerly an apartment building, it now houses the Kecskemét Gallery. Listed building. Also of note is one exhibition room that is decorated similar to the exterior of the palace. -
phone: +36 76 481-122,address: Vasútkert, Bethlen körút 11It was the summer City casino. Built in 1875, in early realistic style by Charles Laszlo's plans, it was enlarged in 1924. Archaeological, historical and ethnographic collections. The Collections of Katona József Museum exhibited in the Cifra Palace.
Ráday Museum of Calvinist Ecclesiastical History
address: Kálvin tér 1Excellent museum hosts examples of Calvinist Architecture, including the ceiling and pulpit from a Transylvanian church, a collection of chalices, an exhibit on clocks, local sculptures depiciting biblical stories, and a mineral collection. -
phone: +36 76 328420address: Katona József u. 5.Permanent exhibition and temporary exhibitions.
Zoltán Kodály Music-Pedagogy Institute
phone: +36 76 481-518address: Kéttemplomköz 1.Housed in a former Franciscan Monastery complete with a wooden tower is the institute founded by composer Kodály. Inside is a small exhibit (the length of a hallway) featuring music books, pictures, and other items regarding Kodály's life. There's very little in English, in fact there's very little at all, and it's probably best appreciated by fans of the composer. -
Leskowsky Musical Instrument Collection
phone: +36 76 486-616address: Zimay László u. 6/aThe personal collection of Leskowsky can only be visited by prior arrangement. Leskowsky will take you around personally and show his collection of instruments from around the world. -
Hungarian Photography Museum
phone: +36 76 483-221address: Katona József tér 12 Bajcsy Zs u.Hungary's only Photography museum is housed in a former Orthodox Synagogue (before that it was a dance hall). Free standing, rectangular building complex. The well-restored ceiling features Jewish themes. Besides the photography itself there's a wonderful collection of cameras, ranging from older giant boxes to modern sleek designs. -
Collection of Hungarian Folk Art Crafts
address: Serfőző u. 19/Abuilt in the late nineteenth century. -
Museum of Medicinal and Pharmacy History
phone: +36 76 329964address: Kölcsey Ferenc u. 3.Former agricultural town's farmhouse. -
'Zwack Fruit Brandy Distillery and Exhibition
phone: +36 76 487711address: Matkói út 2. -
Former Old Synagogue
address: Szabadság tér, Rákóczi út 2this fantastic moorish-style synagogue now houses the House of Science and Technics. Moorish-romantic building was built by John Zitterbarth plans between 1862-71 - Clocks Collection (Hanga Óragyűjtemény)
phone: +36 76 486867address: Kápolna u.13.Contemporary art exhibition.
Artist Colony Cultural and Conference Centre
phone: +36 76 414 263address: Műkerti sétány 2Art Nouveau house. Designed by Jánszky Bela and Tibor Szévessy in 1910s. Listed Monument Programs: Performing evenings, festivals, exhibits, club sessions, concerts, movie nights, song evenings, courses, dance evenings, dance theatre. -
address: Batthyány u. 4.Built around 1860. Monument building.
Former Horseback riding
address: Czollner tér 3 -
address: Dömötör u. 4.Used in 1970s.
address: Izsáki út 3.Large area, several joint-building. Former staff officer, sergeants and infirmary buildings. Now Central European International University, also here Jysk Furniture store.
address: Izsáki út 4.Buildings: former crew building, riding school, street fence.
address: Katona József térA sculpture group with a hexagonal, wrought iron fence, a pillar and a puppets decorated stone barrier.
address: Piaristák tere 6.Built in 1825-32, late Baroque style.
phone: +36 76 501-174address: Katona József tér 5.Listed Monument +phone=+36 76 501177
address: Rákóczi út 3Now a branch of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Centre for Regional Studies. Great Plains Scientific Institute
address: Serfőző u. 19.A monument building. Now here is the Applied Folk Art Museum in Kecskemét
phone: +36 76 323 506address: Szabadság tér 3.Art Nouveau, listed building. Residential part, stores, offices of the Lutheran Church, built according to the plans Mende Valer, between 1910-12.
address: Szabadság tér 7A monument building. Based on the plans of Mende Valer built between 1911-13, secession style. Now, Reformed Primary School.
Former Craftsman Home
address: Széchenyi tér 7., Kossuth tér 4.?Now 'Home Cinema'. This was built according to the plans of Komor Marcell and Jakab Desi 1906-07 in Art Nouveau style. -
Municipal Cinema
address: Rákóczi u. 15.A monument building. -
Monument Houses
address: Munkácsy u. 19., Nagykőrösi út 24., Kecskeméti Végh Mihály tér 1.Bánk bán u. 6.,Lechner Ödön u. 1., Kápolna u. 6., Kápolna u. 15., Jókai u. 9., Széchenyi tér 9. -
Hotel Három Gúnár
address: Batthyány u. 7eclectic style. -
Jewish cemetery entrance building
address: Szép utca 4Eclectic style monument -
Former Main Realschool
address: Dózsa György út 1-3Now Katona József High School. Built according to the plans of Kálmán Löllbach in 1912-14 - Art Nouveau. -
Press House
address: Szabadság tér 1.Listed monument. Art Nouveau style -
phone: +36 76 519519address: Rákóczi út 7. ,Listed Monument Former Royal Court built in 1904.
address: Kálvin tér 2.Neo Baroque monument building.
address: Kálvin tér 1Former Protestant school, high school and Law Academy. Based on Eugene Szappanosy plans built between 1928-30.
Regional Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Small Area Information Centre
address: Rákóczi út 3-5.Secession style. Former was a Casino and tenements. Built according to the plans Jánszky Bela and Tibor Szivessy in 1910-11. -
Former Reformed bazaar
address: Szabadság tér 2.Now 'Cafe Liberte' -
address: Lechner Ödön u. 3.A Monument House. Now here working the Cultural Service of the Hungarian Defence Forces.
Town Hall
address: Kossuth tér 1.An Art Nouveau Monument building. Built by Odon Lechner and Gyula Pártos in 1892-96. -
address: Lestár tér 1.Built in 1871. On downstairs post office operated between 1890-1930.
Trinity cemetery
address: Küküllő u / Ipoly u.A memorial park in Late Art Nouveau style. -
Wine Growing and Viniculture Research Institute
phone: +36 76 494 888address: Úrihegy 5/a.Now National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre. Protected monument building complex. -
Former Military riding school of Archduke Ferdinand
address: Czollner tér 3.Built between 1817-1818. Now high school.
phone: +36 76 492455, +36 30 6897347 (mobile)address: Nyíri út 48.There is, guided tours available in Hungarian, German and English, Area: 62 ha. Sights: Lookout, Mary - chapel (1718), calvary, wooden playground, nature trail, plant collection.
Kiskunsági National Park and House of Nature
phone: +36 76 500-068, +36 76 482611address: Liszt Ferenc u. 19.Visitor permits and tour guide order, Organisation of tours. Exhibits in House of Nature -
phone: +36 76 707872 (forester's house)Area: 1,200 ha. Attractions: 48's memorial museum, Arad Martyrs Memorial, St. Hubertus - Chapel, mille centenary memorial.
phone: +36 76 320121address: Műkerti út 1.
- Spring Festival (Tavaszi Fesztivál) held every March, usually coinciding with Budapest's annual Spring Festival. Features local art, theater, as well as plenty of music from Kodály.
Kecskemét Fun Baths and Water Slide Park
phone: +36 76 500 320address: Csabay Géza körút 5 Air show of KecskemétA major air and military air show, also displaying tanks and several kinds of armoured vehicles and artillery pieces. The air show not only displays Hungarian aircraft but is attended by several foreign air forces (20 in the year 2010 including Austrian, Belgian, French, Dutch, Croatian, German, Romanian, Swiss, Spanish, Serbian, Turkish, US, Ukrainian, Israeli Air Force). It takes place in August, often on the 7-8th every 2 years.
Visit the Mercedes-Benz factory
phone: +36 76 301022address: Mercedes út 1The Mercedes-Benz factory, which builds the CLA and B-classes, offers free factory tours. The tours in English take place on Thursdays at 09:30 and last 2 hours. There are tours on other days and at other times in German and Hungarian. To take part, you need to preregister at their website.
phone: +36 76 888700address: Dunaföldvári út 2.
phone: +36 23 509050address: Ceglédi út 236.Mostly for retailers.
Tesco M5 hypermarket
address: Talfája köz 1.
Alföld Department Store
address: Deák Ferenc tér 6. -
Immochan Trade Center
address: - Dunaföldvári út 2Auchan, CCC, Háda, Media Markt, Nike, Optic World, Sebastiano -
Malom Center mall
address: Korona utca 2.Shops: CBA supermarket, Deichmann shoes, Douglas, Gas, Jeans, H&M, Libri bookshop,McDonald's, New Yorker, Promod, Retro Jeans, Springfield). -
Sever Center
address: Kurucz körút 8. -
Szil-coop Shopping Centre
address: Izsáki út 2. -
Target Center Shopping park
address: Izsáki út 12/b.Shops: Deichmann, dm, Fressnapf, KFC, Obi, Tesco hypermarket
address: Izsáki út 69.
phone: +36 76 328-431address: Korona u. 2.
address: Gizella tér 1More eleven units: - Aradi vértanúk tere 4, Bíró Lajos utca 1, Czollner köz, Deák tér 6, Dobó körút 1, Énekes utca 1, Horváth Cirill tér 1, Kossuth Lajos utca 83, Nyíri út, Rávágy tér 1, Széchenyi sétány
address: Szolnoki út 18Discount store chain.
Penny Market discount stores
address: Katona József parkDiscount store chain. More two units: Csíksomlyói utca 22, Kossuth körút 60. -
Reál discount stores
address: Boróka utca 10More two units: Izsáki út 2, Kard utca 30. -
Spar supermarket
address: Március 15. utca 5/aOther unit: Nagykőrösi utca 2.
phone: +36 76 504 090address: Halasi út 2.
address: Dunaföldvári út 2/b
International Silver Cash & Carry warehouse store
address: Talfája 306. -
address: Izsáki út 3.
address: Izsáki út 12/b.
Praktiker home improvement store
address: Kurucz tér 7
phone: +36 76 402-553address: Lestár tér 1.
phone: +36 76 328849address: Kaszap u. 4.Italian food.
phone: +36 70 6198474address: Rákóczi út 30.
phone: +36 76 497668address: Kisfaludy u. 5.
phone: +36 76 327328address: Hornyik János krt. 4.Appetizers, soups, pasta, meat dishes, fish. vegetarian, garnish, sauces, desserts, salads, pizzas, drinks. Free delivery. +36 20 947 6847.
phone: +36 76 322-722address: Munkácsy u. 10.
phone: +36 76 417-404address: Kéttemplom köz 2Air-conditioned basement. More than 100 pizza with Hungarian flavors in three sizes, a variety of salads and pastas. Delivery.
Kecskeméti Tavern and Winehouse
phone: +36 76 488686address: Kölcsey utca 7.170-year-old listed building.100 types of traditional Hungarian food, 100 types of Hungarian wine.
Hotel Pálma KecskemétIn the centre of the city, close to the main square and the railway station. The hotel provides convenient accommodation all the year round under favourable conditions.
Hotel AranyhomokOverlooking the main square of Kecskemét.
Four Points by Sheraton Kecskemet Hotel and Conference Center
address: Izsáki út 6Pretty much everything you need to know is in the name - what needs to be added is that the hotel is in an industry estate out of town (but not the one where the Mercedes factory is), on the Izsáki út leading up to the M5 motorway from Budapest. -
phone: +36306511490address: Szent Laszlo krt 64, 6000 KecskemetModern (2012) and clean hotel on the outskirts of Kecskemet. Gokart's racetrack, which is next to hotel, can be viewed from restaurant.
Post offices
phone: +36 76 486-586address: Kálvin tér 10-12.
phone: +36 76 539-806address: Kodály Zoltán tér 2.