Tourist information center
phone: +380 382 702495address: Prybuzka, 6
Get in
Khmelnytskyi train station
phone: +380 382 694101address: Proskurivska str., 92This is rather drab and depressing as can often be the case with train stations in eastern Europe and as with bus and train stations worldwide they can often attract people of a dubious nature especially if you arrive at night so best to get away into the city once you arrive, taxis wait just outside the exit. - Trains to Ternopil, Kiev, Lvov. +380 382 79511, Cash desk for advance sale of railway tickets: +380 382 694101 -
Advance sale of railway tickets
phone: +380 382 659835address: Podilska, 25 -
Khmelnytskyi Central Bus Station
phone: +380 382 789357address: Vinnytske highway, 23Buses to/from Kiev. +phone=+380 382 789355 -
Khmelnytskyi Bus Station #2
phone: +380 382 795448address: Str. Shevchenka, 66 -
Khmelnytskyi Bus Station #3
phone: +380 382 652124address: Str. Prymakova, 29
Get around
Taxis are as with every other Ukrainian city widely available, a trip within the city should cost no more than 20 hr but if you are a foreigner you may, as with many other cities in the world, be taken the "scenic route". Even if this does happen it may cost an extra 10 грн so not too unreasonable all the same. However not being a tourist destination it is unlikely that this will happen yet it might. Just make sure the meter is running.
The city centre is relatively compact and can be easily explored on foot. If you want a tourist city with a multitude of attractions then Khmelnytskyi isn't for you, if you want an authentic Ukrainian city with generally friendly people, good prices and fewer rip offs than in the usual tourist centres then Khmelnytskyi is a good spot.-
Church of Christ of King of Universe
address: Myru ave., 55Roman Catholic Church -
Nativity of the Virgin Church
address: Vul. Soborna (Соборна вул.), 12?In 1670s in this place stood a small wooden church. In 1835 construction began on the cathedral. In 1930s the church bells were removed because of the needs of industrialization, and in 1937 the temple was closed. It used as a warehouse and later as an archive room. In 1990 it reopened. -
Temple of Michael
phone: +380 382 551759address: Str. Kurchatova, 4a -
Sviato-Pokrovskyi Cathedral
phone: +380 382 650322address: Str. Volodymyrska, 113 -
Church of Saint George
phone: +380 382 656055address: Str. Franka IvanaThe temple was built as a regimental church of 46th Infantry Regiment of Dnieper. -
Church of Immaculate heart of the Blessed Virgin Maria
phone: +380 382 740071address: Str. Pilotska, 8/1Roman Catholic Church -
Cathedral of Saint Andrew
phone: +380 382 720830address: Kozatska, 69It was built in the late 19th century as the regimental church of the 35th of Belgorod Dragoons, who in 1880 was transferred to Proskurov. Regimental church operated until 1920. Since 1920s it was used as a gym. In 1991 service was resumed in a restored Orthodox church.
Regional Museum
address: Vul. Podilska (Подільська вул.), 12 -
City History Museum
address: Vul. Proskurivska (Проскурівська вул.), 30 -
phone: +380 382 656115address: Vul. Proskurivska (вул. Проскурівська), 47
Museum of Proskurivs'koho Underground
address: Vul. Shevchenka ( Шевченка вул), 3/1Partizan museum
Fountain "Baron Munchausen"
address: Vul Kamyanetska (Кам'янецька вул.) at #48 (yard)
Dendropark Podillia
address: highway Starokostiantynivs'ke -
Mykhailo Chekman Park
address: Str. Proskurivskoho PidpilliaThe biggest green area in the city -
Park of Taras Shevchenko
address: Str. Hrushevskoho MykhailaFor more than a hundred years of its shady avenues and manicured flower gardens delight the eye with the townspeople. Over the 15th-18th centuries, this area was the outskirts of the ancient Proskurov settlement. In 1824, this taken by a large trade area. Part of the oak trees cut down along the perimeter of the square built shops and warehouses, and the center left no room for trade carts. The Square/Park named Bread and became the main venue for trade fairs and in Proskurov. Proskurov gradually grew, and soon the area became Bread is too small to hold fairs. In 1888, city officials decided to move the main shopping area close to the train station. Grain area given to the quartering of the 46 units of the Dnieper Infantry Regiment. Shops and warehouses converted under the barracks, and the spaces fairgrounds was used as a parade ground. In 1992, this park was named about an unveiled monument to Taras Shevchenko. -
Pioneerskiy garden
address: Vul. Proskurivska (вул. Проскурівська), -
Park of Ivan Frankо
address: Vul. Proskurivs'ka. 66/1 -
Park of Tank Crew
address: Vul. Kamyanetska, 98
Khmelnitsky Puppet Theatre
address: Vul. Proskurivska (вул. Проскурівська), 46 -
Cinema Shevchenka
address: Vul. Proskurivska (вул. Проскурівська ), 40 -
City Culture House
address: Vul. Proskurivska (вул. Проскурівська), 35
Further afield

Izyaslav villageMain sights: Bernardines monastery (монастир бернардинців), 1600s; St.Joseph missionaries church + cells (костел місіонерів св.Йосифа), 1750, Sanguszkos' estate, 1650.
Orlovskis' estate, Maliivtsi villageBuilt in 1900s
Medzhybizh CastleBuilt as a bulwark against Ottoman expansion in the 1540s, became one of the strongest fortresses of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland in Podolia. Renovated in the 19th century.
Letychiv Castle and Dominicans monasteryBuilt in 1600s
Sharivka villageProtection of the Virgin church-fortress (Покровська церква-фортеця), 14th-16th century, 1773
Samchyky estate remains in SlavutaBuilt in 1820.
Scheschelei estate in SamchykyBuilt in 19th century. Now, it is a museum.
Sutkivtsi village church-fortressProtection of the Virgin church-fortress (Покровська церква-фортеця), 1467
Trinity monastery in Satanivska Slobidka villageBuilt in 16th-18th century. Monastery complex consists of the gate bell with cells, gates and fences, rebuilt in 1744 in Baroque style. On three sides it is surrounded by two meter thick walls, up to 6 m high.
Castle of Dukes Ostrozkyi in Starokostyantyniv townBuilt in 1561-1571
Dental tourism
Ukraine is increasingly becoming a destination for dental tourism, specifically Kiev, but people may also be interested in dental treatments in Khmelnytskyi as the prices when compared to western Europe, North America and elsewhere are extremely reasonable, prices are also cheaper than in Kiev itself. An example being endodontic treatments (specifically root canal treatment) which in dental clinics in Khmelnytskyi can be completed for roughly €50 in total (this price is for a molar tooth, pre-molars are even cheaper) This includes anaesthesia, x-ray(s), the procedure itself along with the use of "gutta percha" and of course a composite filling. One such dental clinic is almost directly across from a city bus station (it is unknown whether this is the main bus station), rather uniquely it is called "Dental Surgery" at 6, Soborna Street, Khmelnytskyi. Tel: +380 382651660. Look out for the large sign with a tooth on it. The clinic looked clean both inside and outside, the surgical room can be seen from the street and looks as modern as any in the West. No English is spoken so you may need to have a Ukrainian friend or interpreter accompany you unless you speak some Ukrainian or Russian or else put your faith in hand gestures and a phrasebook.Buy
'City Centr' Shopping centre
address: Proskurivska (вул. Проскурівська ), 55-57 -
Central department Store
phone: +380 382 787575address: Proskurivska (вул. Проскурівська ),50 -
Atrium Shopping centre
address: Vul. Proskurovskoho Podpolya (ул. Проскуровского Подполья), 63 -
Dytyachyy svit (Children's World) Shopping center
address: Vul. Proskurivska (Проскурівська вул.), 4/1 -
Lybid-Plaza - Hotel-Entertainment-Shopping Center
address: Vul. Kamyanetska (Камянецька вул.), 25Wi-Fi -
Food Market
address: Primakova (Примакова вул.), ~40 -
Magnit Shopping Center
address: Vul. Podilska (Подільська вул.), 21Wi-Fi
An alternative for internet should the free internet at any hotel not work or should no internet be available is a mobile broadband dongle which you attach to your netbook/laptop can be purchased from MTS (a mobile/cell phone provider with stores all over Ukraine including 10 stores in Khmelnytskyi) for 399 грн and when topped up by 8 грн it gives unlimited broadband access for 24 hr. MTS has national coverage so the dongle will provide you with internet all over Ukraine and not just in Khmelnytskyi of course. If you already have a dongle from your home country this most likely will not work with an MTS SIM card but there is a chance it would, you could try before forking out 399 грн. The basic mobile broadband SIM pack on its own costs 60 грн with preloaded credit of 20 грн (prices as of Dec 2011).
Go next
- Kamianets-Podilskyi - S 100 km. Sights in this town: the Old castle(Старий замок), 12-19th century; the Armenian church, 1490s; the Fortifications of town, 16-18th century; the Russian gate, 17th century; the Polish town council, 1390s; the Smotrych river canyon, the Cathedral, 1500-1750.