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Kolomna (Russian: Коло́мна, kah-LOHM-nuh) is a city in East Moscow Oblast.
Get in

Trains depart from Kazansky station in Moscow approximately every hour and cost . There are two types of train: most are local trains which head to Golutvin (Голутвин) and take 2 hours and 20 minutes. Kolomna is the station before Golutvin. There are also express trains to Ryazan which stop only in Golutvin, they take a little less than two hours.
Golutvin is not located in central Kolumna, it is about 3-4 km away. Therefore the slow trains to Kolumna, rather than the fast trains to Golutvin, will get you to Kolumna sooner.
Buses (number 460, Moscow-Golutvin) from Moscow cost around . They depart more often than the train but are at the mercy of traffic. The bus station in Kolomna is near the Golutvin train station.
Get around
There are buses and trams in Kolomna. Most of them are quite new and contain electronic displays with the names of the stations. The city is relatively small so the route map found on the wall of bus stops is comprehendable.
The single ride fare is .
A provincial town surrounds the central citadel (kremlin) which contains many old churches.
Kolomna Hostel (Коломна-хостел), 3 Malaya Ryazanskaya (within walking distance of Kolomna station), 8 (496) 612 33 98, 8 (929) 609 28 04, , comfortable hostel with two dormitories and one double room. (Dorm )