Monterrey/Zona Rosa
The Zona Rosa is in the center of Monterrey.

Faro ComercialThe bright orange obelisk is a monument to Monterrey's business orientation. At night, laser beacons light the sky.
Museo Arte Contemporaneo (MARCO)
phone: +52 81 8262 4500address: Calle Zuazua y JardónZuazua at Jardón. Monterrey's large, modern forum for contemporary arts is an architecturally stunning showpiece that features a fascinating collection of modern latino artists. Frequently changing special expositions mean the museum is never the same tour twice. Monterrey CathedralMonterrey's cathedral is one of the few colonial-era landmarks in the city. Less elaborate than the cathedrals of Central Mexican cities, it is nonetheless a beautiful church worth seeking out, especially for a Sunday mass.
phone: +52 81 2033 9898address: Doctor José Ma. Coss 445Dr. Coss 445 South. Large, modern museum chronicling the history of Mexico, from pre-Colombian civilizations like the Maya and Aztec, through the colonial period, the revolution, and the modern industrial age.
Museum of the NortheastA regional history museum focusing on the role of the north in Mexico's long and fascinating history. Special exhibits of global interest are also featured.
phone: +52 81 8863 1052address: Esq. Ignacio Zaragoza Magallanes 517Inside a bustling commercial glass works is a fascinating museum that features stunningly beautiful works of hand-spun glass. Some craft glass pieces are also for sale in the gift shop.
Museo Metropolitano
phone: +52 81 8344 1971The old city hall has been transformed into a delightful, low-key museum. The ground floor features some permanent historical exhibits, but the upper level is usually dedicated to showcasing emerging local artists. Palacio del GobiernoGovernment functions have been moved out of the original Nuevo Leon State House, and in their place is an impressive new museum that showcases the political history of Nuevo Leon. Although foreign tourists will likely find little value to some of the exhibits, the architecture of the place is fascinating and the restoration work first rate. At least walk in to admire the courtyards and the collection of stained glass windows memorializing Mexican heroes.
Teatro de la Ciudad
address: Calle Mariano Matamoros 732Located on the Macroplaza, the Teatro la Cuidad is a thoroughly modern venue for live theater, classical music, and the performing arts.
- Centro Comercial Morelos - The real heart of the Zona Rosa. A stretch of 6 blocks of Morelos is closed to vehicle traffic and has become a popular pedestrian shopping arcade. It's a great place for people watching, especially on Sunday afternoons when families flock to downtown.
- Callejón Cultural - Every Sunday, the Mina street is closed down to give place to a pedestrian swap meet. Stretching from Padre Jardón to Padre Mier, you can walk and enjoy a vegan snack while browsing through antiques, local artwork, handcrafts, and used books, among a myriad of hidden treasures. (81) 8340-8093.
phone: +52 81 8345 3232One of the most famous restaurants in all of Northern Mexico, serving authentic regional specialties including cabrito al pastor and steak arrachera.
phone: +52 81 8343 1834address: Mariano Escobedo Sur 920Traditional Mexican fare.
phone: +52 81 8343 0822address: Calle Diego De Montemayor 927Diego de Montemayor 927 Sur. Alternative bar with a relaxed atmosphere and live music.
address: José Mariano Abasolo 876Relaxing restaurant-bar with a unique atmosphere, decorated with hand-painted furniture and scribbled walls.
phone: +52 81 8344 1800address: Calle Diego De Montemayor 1227Fantastic for backpackers, this affordable clean, comfortable hostel is a value. Prices can vary but see the website for details (in English & Spanish), which also has a reservation service. The hostel has shared rooms, showers and a cooking area. One of the most attractive thing about this hostel is the couple who own it they're welcoming and very helpful.
phone: +52 81 8319 0900address: Corregidora 519Modern high-rise hotel next door to Howard Johnson, on Plaza Hidalgo and Morelos, next to Macroplaza. Outstanding location, first-class room, excellent service.
phone: +52 81 8380-7000address: Miguel Hidalgo 310 OteExcellent rooms in upscale hotel, two blocks to Macroplaza. Free valet parking, excellent on-site restaurant.
Radisson Gran Ancira PlazaOcampo 443. Historic hotel with charm and grace. Somewhat small rooms but classy atmosphere. Outstanding Sunday brunch in the lobby. The 1910 bar is a classic downtown watering hole. Excellent location.
Howard Johnson Plaza Monterrey
phone: +52 81 83806000Morelos 574 Oriente. Great location near the center of town. Clean, but a tiny bit "worn". Heated/indoor pool. Free garage parking. Great buffet breakfast. $570NP for double room (small, but neat) with microwave, coffeemaker, free bottled water, and breakfast included. Outstanding value. -
phone: +52 81 8342-4200address: Mariano Escobedo 930Upscale rooms and often very good weekend rates. Clubby restaurant and lounge. Limited parking in a tight outdoor lot. Excellent location.
phone: +52 81 8228-6000address: Padre Mier 194 PteAt the end of the Morelos shopping district, about 7 blocks from the Macroplaza. Formerly the Doubletree Rio. Very good rates, but rooms tend to be small and decor is a bit dated. Free indoor parking.
phone: +52 81 8316-6000address: Av Constitución Oriente 300Large corporate-style hotel with large clean rooms, indoor swimming, 24-hour business center and more. Good location on very busy road, one block to Macroplaza
phone: +52 81 8342 0121address: 802 Diego De MontemayorA clean, quiet, cheap, air-conditioned hotel in the heart of the Barrio Antiguo.