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Myrdal is a train station in Sognefjorden, Norway.
Get in
Myrdal Station
The Oslo-Bergen railway is operated by the Norwegian State Railways . If you buy your ticket online well in advance, fares may be as low as kr. 199 for a one-way ticket. For an additional fee of kr. 90 you may upgrade your ticket to NSB Komfort, the equivalent of first class, with better seats, free coffee and tea, power supply and a more quiet spot in the train.
There should be a special car accessible for people using a wheelchair on all trains between Oslo and Bergen. A reservation is recommended. The train staff will assist you to get the wheelchair on board.
Alternatively, access Myrdal by bike on Rallarvegen (Navvies' Road), running from Haugastøl via Finse and Hallingskeid.
Get around
The two ways to get around in Myrdal is by foot or by bicycle, ski in the winter.
Cafe Rallaren
For the best experience, camping under the open sky or in a tent is recommended. According to the Norwegian right to access, you may stay for up to two nights in one spot in uncultivated land if you keep away from houses and other buildings and out of the way of other people, provided that you leave no trace. If you move far away from people, you can stay for as long as you want.
Myrdal FjellstoveCall for information, reservations and to make sure it's open.
Vatnahalsen HøyfjellshotellA decent and comfortable hotel with restaurant and outdoor swimming pool. About kr. 1200 per night for a double room in the high season.
Go next
Get on Flåmsbana and enjoy one of the world's absolutely most beautiful and stunning train journeys down the valley to Flåm. With a gradient of one in eighteen on 80 % of the 20 km-long ride, you will be taken through the magnificent fjord scenery of western Norway.
If you have the guts, get on your bike to Vatnahalsen and further on through the 21 twists and turns along the 19 km of Rallarvegen down the Flåm valley.