The midnight sun may be enjoyed 14 May–29 July, unless the night is cloudy.
Nordkapp – The North Cape, the North Cape Horn has always been a well-known and important point of orientation for all boats and ships navigating the area. The rock has had a great variety of names and it was only in the mid 16th century that it was given the present name.
In 1553 an English commander, Richard Chancellor passed Nordkapp and named the cliff as Nordkapp, the North Cape. From that time, it has been called Nordkapp. At that time it wasn't exactly the centre of interest. But only 100 years later, the first "tourist" was reported to have climbed up to the plateau. He was an Italian priest named Francesco Negri. It took him more than two years to go from Italy on foot, by boat, on horseback, on sleighs and on skis. In 1664, finally having reached his destination, he noted in his travel log: "Here I am now on the North cape, at the extreme tip of Finnmark, really at the end of the world"
In the 18th and 19th centuries, a journey to Nordkapp was still an adventure – and an expensive one at that. One needed to get a ship with crew or to arrange an expedition through hundreds of kilometres of wilderness. This is why there were quite a few high-ranking people among the first tourists: Prince Louise Phillippe of Orleans, Oscar the second, King of Norway and Sweden, King Chualalonkorn of Thailand. He got his name and date carved into a rock on the top of the plateau. This rock can be seen in the Panorama hall in front of the souvenir shop. And Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany was here also.
In 1875, London Travel agent Thomas Cook organized the first group travel to Nordkapp for 24 participants. At that time travelling to Nordkapp was very different compared to how it is now. There was no road leading across the island to the plateau. Travellers were taken by rowing boat from Skarsvåg or Gjesvær to Hornvika, just below the north cape. From there they had to climb up the steep and rocky ravine, to reach heigh of plateau. The first modest wooden buildings started to appear on the plateau. One of those was the hut "Stoppenbrink's Champagne Pavilion.
Get in

By plane
Honningsvåg Airport, ValanThree daily departures from Tromsø with Widerøe. Both domestic and international connecting flights to Tromsø.
Lakselv Airport, BanakFive daily departures from Tromsø, two daily bus departures from Lakselv to Honningsvåg. This airport is classified as an international airport, and handles most of the travellers to Nordkapp arriving by plane. All regional flights are operated by Widerøe. International seasonal charter routes are operated by Condor, Spanair and SAS.
Alta AirportMultiple daily flights from Oslo, with Norwegian and SAS.
By car
Nordkapp is where European route E69 ends. E69 branches off European route E6 at Olderfjord, 129 km (80 mi) away. The road passes several tunnels and the deep undersea North Cape Tunnel reaches 212 m below sea level at it's lowest point. There used to be a toll, but since 29 June 2012 using the tunnel is free. The North Cape Tunnel has a continuous downwards and upwards slope of 9%. The road inside the tunnel has one lane in each direction, with a dedicated lane on each right side for cyclists. Select the correct gear before entering the slope. This is important, since there is no clear view of when the slope goes from downwards to upwards. Consider driving a car with an engine able to increase speed considerably when driving upwards.By bus
There is a network of bus lines in Finnmark. For example there are two daily buses Alta–Honningsvåg. Search finnmark.noBy boat
Hurtigruten calls Honningsvåg. Several Cruise ships visit Honningsvåg and Nordkapp every year. It is possible to transport a car (not a camper car) on Hurtigruten. This is an interesting option to cut distances, for example if going to the Mehamn area, the northernmost mainland in Europe.By bicycle
When arriving by bicycle, be aware of the tunnel from the mainland. This is a 7 km tube going 212m under the sea level. Good fun the first 3 km, and remember the speed limit. You'll need good gears to get out again. You will need them on the surface road too, from Honningsvåg to the North Cape plateau. Take care of the wind: gale of 7 or 8 Bf with gusts far stronger than that is not unusual. At the North Cape centre itself, don't forget to sign the cyclists' guest book.Get around
If you've simply bought a flight ticket to Honningsvåg airport, or using public buses, the only way to get to the North Cape itself aside from hitchhiking or hiking (only for the most adventurous, and bring your own tent as there is no accommodation whatsoever on the cape itself) is taking a taxi, or the local bus 330 (, which runs a few times per day in the summer and not at all in the winter.
Hurtigruten charters special buses going to North Cape. Tickets are bought onboard. The ship stays several hours in Honningsvåg so there is time for such a trip.

KirkeportenA cliff with a hole trough, where the view towards Nordkapp can be enjoyed.
NordkapphallenA big hall carved out in the plateau, where the view can be enjoyed.
phone: +47 78477200Telling the aspects of fishieries and everyday life, in the far north.
address: GjesværSee seabirds like puffins, and the birds' mountain. KnivsjelloddenHike to Knivskjellodden. The track is marked with red T's. The distance is 8 km (5 mi), and the hike takes an estimated two and a half hours, each way. Since the weather is unstable at this high latitude, you should always leave a message detailing where you were going and what time you left in your car. For safety, bring a GPS and mark a waypoint at the parking place.
phone: +47 78-47-52-89address: SkarsvågChristmas decoration and the Nordkapp Santa.
phone: +47 41-84-10-30address: Storgata 4AThis gallery situated in the centre of Honningsvåg displays the work of Eva Schmutterer, an artist established in nearby Kamoyvaer. Her pictures of the North Cape island under every angle and every seasonal light make for a perfect souvenir of a trip to the North Cape. Many other decoratives available.
phone: +47 78476340
Nordkapp Vandrerhjem
phone: +47 91-82-41-56address: Kobbhullveien 10 -
phone: +47 78-47-33-77address: Skipsfjorden
phone: +47 45-22-19-42address: Skarsvåg
phone: +47 75-40-20-85address: Kamøyvær
phone: +47 78-47-72-20address: Nordkappgata 4
phone: +47 78-47-72-60address: Skipsfjorden
phone: +47 90-74-21-22address: SkarsvågHouse with five beds in two rooms. Access to the sea and the possibility to fish, or hiking in the mountain from the house.