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Nürnberg Panorama 001.JPG

Nuremberg (German: Nürnberg) is Franconia's largest city, and thus the undisputed economic, social and cultural center of Franconia. The city lies on the Pegnitz River and the Main-Danube Canal. It is about north of Munich with a population of around 520,000 making it the second-biggest city in the Bundesland Bavaria and the biggest city in the region of Franconia. The town is the center of the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg. Long a de facto independent "freie Reichstadt", the city was an early center of manufacturing and proto-industry and had a golden era during the 16th century when people like Albrecht Dürer, Hans Sachs or Martin Behaim called the city home. Annexed into Bavaria in the early 19th century, the city later came to host Germany's first railway, linking it with neighboring Fürth (this railway has since been replaced first by a tram and then by a subway line; the current route to Fürth follows a different alignment). It is probably most famous for being the site of numerous Nazi rallies and later the trials against the main war criminals. Extensively bombed as an industrial center and a symbol of Nazism, Nuremberg was rebuilt after the war and thus managed to retain much of its medieval charm.


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