Paris/17th arrondissement

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The 17th arrondissement of Paris lies slightly off the beaten path, directly north of the Arc de Triomphe. However, if you want to see real Paris at some of its finest and wealthiest, this is where to go. There are no major sights to see, museums to go to, just amazing Haussmannian architecture, real French people, and that atmosphere of the quintessential Paris you've always imagined.
Beyond this the southwest and northeast ends of the arrondissement have quite different characters, with the southwest mainly known as a mid-range to high-end shopping district named for two major avenues which are lined with shops: Wagram-Ternes, feeling much like an extension of the Champs Élysées.
The northeast end, known as Batignolles is quite different, with a grungy bohemian feeling and lots of bars and bistros which are popular with bobos (short for bohemian-bourgeois aka "hipsters") from the 17th and elsewhere.

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