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Pindamonhangaba is a city of in the Vale do Paraíba, located in the State of São Paulo
The main access way is by the Rodovia Presidente Dutra (Highway), in the paulista stretch, km. 99 - downtown is about 6 km from the highway.
It also can be accessed by the old Rio-São Paulo highway, current SP-62.
Pindamonhangaba is a wide-street city, pratically divided by the railroad, old Central do Brasil, having its downtown located between the railroad and the river Paraíba do Sul.
In this region is located the main commerce area, the main bank agencies, the Mother Church (Igreja matriz), the historical São José's Church (which keeps the remains of the most part of the Imperial Guard at service in the independence day), a small woody area called Bosque da Princesa, etc.
There's also a district, Moreira Cesar, which can be accessed by Rodovia Presidente Dutra (there's a toll station between the entrances) or by the old Rio-SP.





