Portuguese phrasebook
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The Portuguese we will include in this phrasebook is of the European usage, which differs from Brazilian Portuguese in vocabulary and pronunciation. Brazilians can sometimes find it hard to understand the Portuguese form Portugal, though not vice-versa, as Brazilian pop culture is popular in Portugal.
Needless to say, if you know a Romance language, it will be easier for you to learn Portuguese. However, people who know a little Spanish may hastily conclude that Portuguese is close enough that it need not be studied separately. While they may be able to figure out the meaning of some signage, items on a menu, etc., understanding of verbal communication will be very low to nothing. Words such as "gente" (people) are pronounced so differently in either variant of Portuguese, that you would hardly recognise them. Also, some personal names such as "Jorge Ramos," for example, will be pronounced quite differently as well. If you speak Spanish fluently, invest a few hours getting used to the sound differences and some common words—after that you'll be able to make rapid progress understanding what people are saying to you.
If you know Spanish, watch for a lot of new vowels, a huge number of contractions (comparable to del and al) and irregular plurals. For the non-fluent, some pronunciation differences can be easily missed, such as año (year) becoming ano. If you speak good French, you may find Portuguese pronunciation to be fairly easy, though much of the vocabulary will have changed substantially.
Pronunciation guide
The pronunciation in Portugal differs significantly from that in Brazil. The difference is basically in pronunciation and a few vocabulary differences, which make it tricky even for Brazilians to understand the European Portuguese accent. Now the European uses a lot of those oo's which are not used in Brazilian.
; a : as the 'a' in "far" / as the 'a' in "cat"
; e : as the 'e' in "get" / silent or like 'i' in "hit" at the end of some words
; i : as the 'ee' in "week" /
; o : as the 'o' in "open" / almost silent at the end of words after a "t" or "d"
; u : as the 'oo' in "look" / as the 'oo' in "book"
Other Vowels
; á : as the 'a' in "tar" but held longer
; â : as the 'a' in "bat" but short
; ã : a nasal sound like 'ang' in "angry"
; é : long sound as the 'e' in "bled"
; ê : similar to the 'ea' in "bread"
; êm, em, ém : nasal sound like 'en' in "end"
; ó : like the 'o' in "hot"
; ô : like the 'oa' in "coat"
; b :
; c :
; c :
; ç :
; ch :
; d :
; f :
; g :
; g :
; gu : as 'gee' in "geek" with gui, as 'ge' in "get" with gue, as 'gua' in "agua" ; in rare cases, the "u" is pronounced, such as in sanguíneo
; h : is a silent letter at the beginning of a word
; lh :
; nh :
; j :
; k :
; l :
; m :
; n :
; p :
; q : like English q
; r : , or , depending on context. "rr" is always guttural.
; s :
; s : e.g. Gostaria
; s : e.g. casa
; t :
; v :
; x : , , or , depending on context
; z : . At the end of a word, or when followed by a consonant
Common diphthongs
; au : as 'ow'in "cow"
; ia : as 'ia' in "Lydia"
; io : as 'io' in "frio" also 'ew' sound in "new"
; ei : as 'ay' in "play"
; oa : as 'oa' in "boa"
; oe : as 'we' in "wet"
; oi : as "oy" in "oyster"
; ou : as 'oo' in "took"
; ua : as 'wa' in "water"
; ui : as 'wee' in "week"
; ue : as 'e' in "get"
; eia : as 'ay' in "pay" plus 'a' in "far"
; uei : as 'ay' in "way"
As a general guide, stress the penultimate (last-but-one) syllable in most words unless it ends with any of the following letters: i; l; r; u; x; z; im; um; ins; is; uns; us – in which case, the stress is on the last syllable. Words that are stressed on syllables not according to these rules will have a written accent on the accented syllable.
European vs Brazilian Portuguese
Besides pronunciation differences, there are also significant lexical differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese. Other Portuguese-speaking countries generally follow European Portuguese, but are spoken with different accents and have several unique local words
Phrase list
Common signs
; OPEN : Aberto (ah-BEHR-too); CLOSED : Fechado (feh-SHAH-doo)
; ENTRANCE : Entrada (ehn-TRAH-dah)
; EXIT : Saída (sah-EE-dah)
; PUSH : Empurre (eng-POOHR)
; PULL : Puxe (POO-sh)
; TOILET : Casa de banho (KAH-zah deh BAH-nyoo)
; MEN : Homens (OH-mehnsh)
; WOMEN : Mulheres (moo-LYEHRSH)
; FORBIDDEN : Proibido (proo-ee-BEE-doo)
; Hello. (formal): Olá. (oh-LAH)
; How are you? : Como vai(s)? (KOH-moo VAYH(s)?)
; Fine, thank you. : Bem, obrigado(a). (behng, oh-bree-GAH-doo(ah))
; What is your name? : Como se(te) chama(s)? (KOH-moo seh(teh) SHAH-mah(sh)?) / Qual é o seu(teu) nome? (Kwal eh o SEH-oo(TEH-oo) NOH-meh?)
; My name is ______ . : Chamo-me______. (SHAH-moo-meh___)
; Pleased to meet you. : Prazer em conhecer. (prah-ZAYR ehng koh-nyeh-SAYR)
; Please. : Por favor. / Se faz favor. (poor fah-VOHR / "Seh FAHSH fah-VOHR")
; Thank you. : Obrigado. / Obrigada. (oh-bree-GAH-doo/oh-bree-GAH-dah)
; You're welcome. : De nada. (deh NAH-dah)
; Yes. : Sim. (seeng)
; No. : Não. (nowng)
; Excuse me. (getting attention) : Com licença. (kohng leeSEHN-sah)
; Excuse me. (begging pardon) : Desculpe(a). /Perdão. (dish-KOOL-peh(ah)" / "PEHR-dow)
; I'm sorry. : Desculpe(a). (dish-KOOL-peh(ah))
; Goodbye : Adeus. (ah-DEH-oosh)
; I can't speak Portuguese well. : Não falo bem português. (nowng FAH-loo behng poor-too-GAYSH)
; Do you speak English? : Fala(s) inglês? (FAH-lah(sh) een-GLAYSH?)
; Is there someone here who speaks English? : Alguém aqui fala inglês? (ahl-GAYNG ah-KEE FAH-lah een-GLAYSH?)
; Help! : Socorro! (soo-KOH-roo!)
; Help me! : Ajude(a)-me! (ah-ZHOO-deh(dah)-meh!)
; Look out! : Atenção! /Cuidado! (ah-tehn-SOW! / cooy-DAH-doo!)
; Good morning. : Bom dia. (bohng DEE-ah)
; Good afternoon. : Boa tarde. (BOH-ah TAHR-deh)
; Good evening./Good night. : Boa noite. (BOH-ah NOY-teh)
; I understand. : Compreendo. / Percebo. / Entendo. (kohn-pree-EHN-doo / pehr-SAY-boo / en-TEHN-doo)
; I don't understand. : Não compreendo. (nowng kohn-pree-EHN-doo)
; Where is the toilet? : Onde é a casa de banho? (OHN-deh eh ah KAH-zah dih BAH-nyoo?)
; Leave me alone! : Deixe(a)-me em paz! (DAY-shih(shah)-meh ehn pahsh!)
; Don't touch me! : Não me toque(s)! (now meh TOH-keh(sh)!)
; I'll call the police. : Vou chamar a polícia. (voh shah-MAHR ah poo-LEE-syah)
; Police! : Polícia! (poo-LEE-syah!)
; Stop! Thief! : Ladrão! (lah-DROWNG!)
; I need your help. : Preciso da sua(tua) ajuda. (preh-SEE-zoo dah SOO-uh(TOO-uh) ah-ZHOO-dah)
; It's an emergency. : É uma emergência. (eh OO-mah ee-mehr-ZHEHN-syah)
; I'm lost. : Estou perdido(a). (ish-TOH pehr-DEE-doo(ah))
; I lost my bag. : Perdi a minha bolsa. (per-DEE ah MEE-nyah bolsah)
; I lost my wallet. : Perdi a minha carteira. (per-DEE ah MEE-nyah kahr-TAY-rah)
; I'm sick. : Eu estou doente. (EH-oo ish-TOH doo-EHN-teh)
; I've been injured. : Eu fui ferido. (EH-oo fwee feh-REE-doo)
; I need a doctor. : Preciso de um médico. (preh-SEE-zoo deh oong meh-DEE-koo)
; Can I use your phone? : Posso usar o seu(teu) telefone? (POHS-soo OO-sahr o SEH-oo(TEH-oo) teh-leh-FOH-neh)
; 0 : zero (ZEH-roo)
; 1 : um (oong)
; 2 : dois/ duas (doysh/ DOO-uhsh)
; 3 : três (traysh)
; 4 : quatro (KWAH-troo)
; 5 : cinco (SEENG-koo)
; 6 : seis (saysh)
; 7 : sete (SEH-teh)
; 8 : oito (OY-too)
; 9 : nove (NOH-veh)
; 10 :dez (dehsh)
; 11 :onze(ON-zeh)
; 12 :doze(DO-zeh)
; 13 :treze (TREH-zeh )
; 14 :catorze (kah-TOHR-zeh )
; 15 :quinze (KEENG-zeh)
; 16 :dezasseis (deh-zahs-SAYSH )
; 17 :dezessete (deh-zahs-SEH-teh )
; 18 :dezoito (deh-ZOY-too)
; 19 :dezanove (deh-zah-NOH-veh)
; 20 :vinte (VEEN-teh)
; 21 :vinte e um (veen-tee-OONG)
; 22 :vinte e dois (veen-tee-DOYSH)
; 23 :vinte e três (veen-tee-TRAYSH)
; 30 :trinta (TREEN-tah)
; 40 :quarenta (kwa-REHN-tah)
; 50 :cinquenta (seen-KWEHN-tah)
; 60 :sessenta (ses-SEHN-tah)
; 70 :setenta (seh-TEHN-tah)
; 80 :oitenta (oy-TEHN-tah)
; 90 :noventa (noh-VEHN-tah)
; 100 :cem (seyhng)
; 101 :cento e um
; 102 :cento e dois
; 125 :cento e vinte e cinco
; 200 :duzentos (doo-ZEHN-toosh)
; 300 :trezentos (treh-ZEHN-toosh)
; 1,000 :mil (meel)
; 2,000 :dois mil (doys meel)
; 1,000,000 :um milhão (oon mee-LYOWNG)
For numbers 1,000,000,000 and above, European Portuguese uses the long scale, while Brazilian Portuguese uses the short scale.
; 1,000,000,000 :mil milhões
; 1,000,000,000,000 :um bilião (oon bbee-LYOWNG)
; number _____ (train, bus, etc.) :número (NOO-meh-roo)
; half : metade (meh-TAH-dih)
; less : menos (MEH-noosh)
; more : mais (mighsh )
; now : agora (ah-GOH-rah)
; later : depois (deh-POYSH)
; before : antes (AHN-tish) ; morning : manhã (mahn-YAHNG)
; afternoon : tarde (TAHR-dih) ; night : noite (NOY-teh)
Clock time
; one o'clock AM : uma da manhã (OO-mah dah mahn-YAHNG)
; two o'clock AM : duas da manhã (DOO-ash dah mahn-YAHNG)
; noon : meio-dia (MAY-oo DEE-ah)
; one o'clock PM : uma da tarde (OO-mah dah TAHR-dih) ; two o'clock PM : duas da tarde (DOO-ahsh dah TAHR-dih) ; midnight : meia-noite (MAY-ah NOY-teh)
; _____ minute(s) : minuto(s) (mee-NOO-toosh)
; _____ hour(s) : hora(s) (OH-ruhsh)
; _____ day(s) : dia(s) (DEE-uhsh)
; _____ week(s) : semana(s)(seh-MAH-nuhsh )
; _____ month(s) : mês/meses (maysh/MAYH-zesh )
; _____ year(s) : ano(s) (AH-noo(sh))
; today : hoje (OH-zheh); yesterday : ontem (OHN-teng)
; tomorrow : amanhã (ah-mah-NYAHNG)
; this week : esta semana (EHSH-tah seh-MAH-nah)
; last week : semana passada (seh-MAH-nah pas-SAH-dah )
; next week : próxima semana (PRAW-see-mah seh-MAH-nah )
; Sunday :Domingo (doh-MEEN-goo)
; Monday : Segunda-feira (Seh-GOON-dah FAY-rah )
; Tuesday :Terça-feira (TER-sah FAY-rah )
; Wednesday : Quarta-feira (KWAR-tah FAY-rah )
; Thursday : Quinta-feira (KEEN-tah FAY-rah )
; Friday : Sexta-feira (Sezh-tah FAY-rah )
; Saturday : Sábado (SAH-bah-doo )
; January : janeiro (zhah-NAY-roo )
; February : fevereiro (feh-veh-RAY-roo)
; March : março (MAHR-soo)
; April : abril (ah-VREEL)
; May : maio (MAH-yoo)
; June : junho (ZHOO-nyoo)
; July : julho (ZHOO-lyoo)
; August : agosto (ah-GOHSH-too)
; September : setembro (seh-TENG-broo)
; October : outubro (ohw-TOO-broo)
; November : novembro (noh-VENG-broo)
; December : dezembro (deh-ZENG-broo)
Writing time and date
; black : preto (PREH-too)
; white : branco (BRAHNG-koo)
; gray : cinzento (seen-ZEHN-too)
; red : vermelho (vehr-MEH-lyoo )
; blue : azul (ah-ZOOL)
; yellow : amarelo (ah-mah-REH-loo)
; green : verde (VEHR-deh)
; orange : laranja (lah-RAHN-zhah)
; pink : rosa (RAW-zah)
; purple : roxo (RAW-zhoo)
; brown : castanho (kahsh-TAH-nyoo )
Public Transport
; tram : elétrico (ee-LEH-tree-koo); boat : barco (BAHR-koo)
; funicular : elevador (ay-leh-vah-DOHR)
; bus : autocarro
; train : comboio
; How much is a ticket to _____? : Quanto custa o bilhete para _____? (KWAN-too COOSH-tah oo bee-LYEH-teh prah _____)
; One ticket to _____, please. : Um bilhete para ________, por favor (oon bee-LYEH-teh prah _____, poor fah-VAWR)
; Where does this train/bus go? : Para onde vai este comboio/autocarro? (prah OHN-deh vigh EESH-teh kohm-BOY-oo/ow-too-KAHR-roo)
; Where is the train/bus to _____? : Onde pego o trem/comboio;ônibus/autocarro para________? (OHN-deh PEH-goo oo treng/kohm-BOY-oo;OH-nee-boosh/ow-too-KAHR-roo prah________)
; Does this train/bus stop in _____? : Esse trem/comboio;ônibus/autocarro para em ________? (EE-se treng/kohm-BOY-oo;OH-nee-boosh/ow-too-KAHR-roo PAH-rah ighn________)
; When does the train/bus for _____ leave? : Quando é que sai o trem/comboio;ônibus/autocarro para _______? (KWAHN-doo ay keh sigh oo treng/kohm-BOY-oo;OH-nee-boosh/ow-too-KAHR-roo prah________)
; When will this train/bus arrive in _____? : Quando é que este trem/comboio;ônibus/autocarro chega a _____? (KWAHN-doo ay keh EESH-teh treng/kohm-BOY-oo;OH-nee-boosh/ow-too-KAHR-roo SHEH-gah ah________)
; How do I get _____ ? : Como chego _____ KOH-moo SHAY-goo _____ ); ...to the train station? : à estação de trem/comboio (ah shta-SOW deh treng/kohm-BOY-oo)
; ...to the bus station? : à rodoviária (ah roh-doo-vee-AH-ree-ah)
; ...to the airport? : ao aeroporto (A-oh ay-roo-POHR-too )
; ...downtown? : ao Centro (A-oh SEHN-troo )
; ...to the youth hostel? : ao Albergue da juventude/Pousada da juventude (A-oh ahl-BER-geh dah zhoo-veng-TOO-deh/paw-SAH-dah dah zhoo-veng-TOO-deh )
; ...to the _____ hotel? : ao Hotel (A-oh aw-TEHL )
; ... to the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate? : ao consulado americano/canadense/australiano/inglês (A-oh kohn-soo-LAH-doo ah-may-ree-KAH-noo/kah-nah-DENG-zeh/owsh-trah-lee-AH-noo/een-GLAYSH)
; Where are there a lot of... : Onde tem bastante (AWN-deh tighn bahsh-TAHN-teh)
; ...hotels? : hotéis (aw-TAYSH)
; ...restaurants? : restaurantes (reh-staw-RAHNTSH)
; ...bars? : bares (bahrsh)
; ...sites to see? : lugares para ver (loo-GAHRSH prah VAYR)
; Can you show me on the map? : Você(Tu) pode(s) me mostrar no mapa? (voh-SAY (too) POH-deh(sh) meh mohs-TRAHR noo MAH-pah )
; street : Rua (roo-ah )
; Turn left. : Vire à esquerda (VEER-eh ah ehsh-KEHR-dah)
; Turn right. : Vire à direita (VEER-eh ah dee-RAY-tah)
; left : Esquerda (ehsh-KEHR-dah )
; right : Direita (dee-RAY-tah )
; straight ahead : Reto (REH-too)
; towards the _____ : em direção à_____ (ehng dee-reh-SOWNG ah)
; past the _____ : Depois do(da)_____ (Deh-POYZH doo/dah )
; before the _____ : Antes do(da)_____ (AHN-tehsh doh/dah )
; Watch for the _____. : Fique atento ao/à_____ (FEE-keh ah-TEHN-too a-oh/ah)
; intersection : Cruzamento (croo-zah-MEHN-too)
; north : Norte (NOHR-teh)
; south : Sul (sool)
; east : Leste (LEHSH-teh)
; west : Oeste (oo-EHSH-teh)
; uphill : Subida (soo-BEE-dah)
; downhill : Descida (desh-SEE-dah)
; Taxi! : Taxi! (TAHK-see); Take me to _____, please. : Leve-me para o/a _______, por favor (LAY-veh meh prah oo/ah_____, poor fa-VAWR)
; How much does it cost to get to _____? : Quanto custa ir até_____ (KWAHN-too KOOSH-tah eer ah-TAY_____ )
; Take me there, please. : Leve-me para lá, por favor. (LAY-veh meh prah LAH, poor fa-FAWR )
; Do you have any rooms available? : Há quartos disponíveis? (ah KWAHR-toosh deesh-poh-NEE-vaysh)
; How much is a room for one person/two people? : Quanto custa para uma pessoa/ duas pessoas por noite? (KWAHN-too KOOSH-tah prah OO-mah pehs-SOW-ah/DOO-ash pehs-SOW-ahsh poor NOY-teh)
; Does the room come with... : O quarte dispõe de... (oo KWAHR-too deesh-POYNG deh)
; ...bedsheets? : lençóis (leng-SOYSH )
; ...a bathroom? :... casa-de-banho (KAH-zah deh BAHN-yoo)
; ...a telephone? :...telefone (teh-leh-FOH-neh )
; ...a TV? :...televisão (teh-leh-vee-ZOW)
; May I see the room first? : Posso ver o quarto antes? (PAW-soo vehr oo KWAHR-too AHN-tesh)
; Do you have anything... : Tem um quarto... (tighn oong KWAHR-too)
; ...quieter? : mais silencioso? (mighsh see-lehn-SYAW-soo)
; ...bigger? : maior? (mah-YAWR)
; ...cleaner? : mais limpa? (mighsh LEEM-pah)
; ...cheaper? : mais barato? (mighsh bah-RAH-too)
; OK, I'll take it. : Ok, eu aceito (oh-KAY, E-oo ah-SIGH-too)
; I will stay for _____ night(s). : Eu vou ficar por uma(1)/Duas(2)noite(s) (E-oo vohw fee-KAHR poor OO-mah/DOO-ash NOY-teh(sh))
; Can you suggest another hotel? : Pode sugerir um outro hotel na região? (PAW-deh soo-zheh-REER oom AW-troo aw-TEHL nah reh-ZHOW)
; Do you have a safe? : Tem um cofre? (tighn oom KOH-freh)
; ...lockers? : cacifos? (kah-SEE-foosh)
; Is breakfast included? : O pequeno almoço está incluido? (oo peh-KEH-noo ahl-MAW-soo shtah een-kloo-EE-doo)
; What time is breakfast? : A que horas é o pequeno almoço? (ah keh AW-rahsh eh oo peh-KEH-noo ahl-MAW-soo)
; Please clean my room. : Pode limpar o quarto, por favor? (PAW-deh leem-PAHR oo KWAHR-too, poor fah-VAWR)
; Can you wake me at _____? : Pode acordar-me às ___? (PAW-deh ah-coor-DAHR-meh ahsh___ )
; I want to check out. : Quero fazer a saída (KEH-roo fah-ZAYR ah sah-EE-dah)
; Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? : Aceita dólares americanos/australianos/canadenses? ('ah-SAY-tah DAW-larz ah-meh-ree-KAH-noosh/owsh-trah-lee-AH-noosh, kah-nah-DEHN-sesh ')
; Do you accept British pounds? : Aceita libras esterlinas? (ah-SAY-tah LEE-bras shtehr-LEE-nash)
; Do you accept credit cards? : Aceita cartão de crédito? (ah-SAY-tah kahr-TOWNG deh KREH-dee-too)
; Can you change money for me? : Pode cambiar/trocar dinheiro para mim? (PAW-deh kahm-BYAHR/ troo-KAHR dee-NYAY-roo prah meeng)
; Where can I get money changed? : Onde tem uma casa de câmbio? (AWN-deh tighn OO-ma KAH-zah deh KAHM-byoo)
; Can you change a traveler's check for me? : Você pode me descontar um cheque de viagem? (voh-SAY PAW-deh meh desh-kohn-TAHR oon SHEH-keh deh vee-AH-zhign)
; Where can I get a traveler's check changed? : Onde posso descontar um cheque de viagem? (AWN-deh POH-soo desh-kohn-TAHR oon SHEH-keh deh vee-AH-zhign )
; What is the exchange rate for the US dollar? : Qual é o câmbio para o dólar? (kwahl eh oo KAHM-byoo prah oo DAW-lahr )
; Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? : Onde tem um caixa automático/ um Multibanco? (AWN-deh tighn oong KIGH-shah ow-taw-MAH-tee-koo/ oong mool-tee-BAHNG-koo)
; A table for one person/two people, please. : Tem mesa para uma/duas pessoas, por favor? (tighn MEH-zah prah OO-ma/DOO-ash peh-SOW-ash, poor fah-VAWR?); Can I look at the menu, please? : Posso ver o menu, por favor? ( )
; Can I look in the kitchen? : Posso ver a cozinha?( )
; Is there a house specialty? : Há alguma especialidade da casa? ( )
; Is there a local specialty? : Há algum prato típico (a al-GOUN prah-TOH ti-PI-koh)
; I'm a vegetarian. : Eu sou vegetariano (EH-oo so ve-ghee-ter-RI-ahn-o)
; I don't eat pork. : Eu não como carne de porco (EH-oo now como kar-NE de pour-KOH)
; I don't eat beef. : Eu não como carne de vaca.
; I only eat kosher food. : Só como produtos kosher.
; Can you make it "light", please? (less oil/butter/lard) : Pode fazer com pouca gordura? ( )
; fixed-price meal : Preço de refeição fixo.( )
; a la carte : a la carte ( )
; breakfast : pequeno almoço ( )
; lunch : almoço ( )
; tea (meal) : lanche ( )
; supper : jantar ( )
; I want _____. : Eu quero ( )
; I want a dish containing _____. : Quero um prato que tenha ( )
; chicken : galinha ( )
; beef : carne de vaca ( )
; fish : peixe ( )
; ham : presunto ( )
; sausage : salsicha ( )
; cheese : queijo ( )
; eggs : ovos ( )
; salad : salada ( )
; (fresh) vegetables : vegetais ( )
; (fresh) fruit : frutas ( )
; pineapple : ananás
; ice cream : gelado
; bread : pão ( )
; toast : torrada ( )
; noodles : macarrão ( )
; rice : arroz ( )
; beans : feijão ( )
; May I have a coffee: Um café, por favor
; May I have a coffee (drip or mug of): 'Um café, por favor
; coffee (espresso cup with milk) : Pingado
; coffee (in a mug with milk) : Café com leite
; tea (drink) : chá ( )
; juice : sumo ( )
; (bubbly) water : água com gás ( )
; (still) water : água sem gás ( )
; beer : cerveja ( )
; red/white wine : vinho tinto/branco ( )
; May I have some _____? : Pode me dar ( )
; salt : sal ( )
; black pepper : pimenta do reino ( )
; butter : manteiga ( )
; Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server): Com licença or desculpe
; I'm finished. : Já acabei ( jah a-kah-BYE)
; It was delicious. : Estava delicioso ( )
; Please clear the plates. : Por favor, limpe os pratos ( )
; The check, please. : A conta, por favor
; Do you serve alcohol? : Sevem álcool? ( ); Is there table service? : Servem à mesa'? ( )
; A beer/two beers, please. : Uma/Duas cervejas, por favor ( )
; A glass of red/white wine, please. : Um copo de vinho tinto/branco, por favor( )
; A pint, please. : Uma imperial, por favor ( )
; A bottle, please. : Uma garrafa, por favor ( )
; whiskey : Uísque ( )
; vodka : Vodca ( )
; rum : Rum( )
; water : Água (ag-WAH)
; club soda : Água gaseificada (ag-WAH ga-ZIH-fee-cah-dah)
; tonic water : Água tónica (ag-WAH to-NIH-cah)
; orange juice : Suco/Sumo de laranja ( )
; Coke (soda) : Coca-cola ( )
; Do you have any bar snacks? : Tem aperitivos? ( )
; One more, please. : Mais um(a), por favor( )
; Another round, please. : Outra rodada, por favor ( )
; When is closing time? : Quando é que fecha? ( )
; Cheers! : Viva! ( )
; Do you have this in my size? : Tem isto no meu tamanho? ( ); How much is this? : Quanto custa isto? ( )
; That's too expensive. : É demasiado caro. ( )
; Would you take _____? : ( )
; expensive : Caro ( )
; cheap : Barato ( )
; I can't afford it. : Não tenho dinheiro para isso. ( )
; I don't want it. : Não quero isso. ( )
; You're cheating me. : Estás a enganar-me ( )
; I'm not interested. : Não estou interessado(a) (Nao obrigado)
; OK, I'll take it. : Ok, eu levo. ( )
; Can I have a bag? : Pode dar-me um saco? ( )
; Do you ship (overseas)? : Entregam encomendas no estrangeiro? ( )
; I need... : Eu preciso...
; ...toothpaste. : ...pasta de dentes
; ...a toothbrush. : ...uma escova de dentes
; ...tampons. : ...tampões
; ...soap. : sabão
; ...shampoo. : champô
; ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen) : analgésico (aspirina)
; ...cold medicine. : medicamento para constipação
; ...stomach medicine. : medicamento para a barriga
; ...a razor. : uma lâmina
; ...an umbrella. : um chapéu de chuva
; ...sunblock lotion. : protetor solar
; ...a postcard. : um ostal
; ...postage stamps. : selos
; ...batteries. : pilhas
; ...writing paper. : papel para escrever
; ...a pen. : uma caneta
; ...English-language books. : livros em inglês
; ...English-language magazines. : revistas em inglês
; ...an English-language newspaper. : um jornal em inglês
; ...an English-English dictionary. : um dicionarío Inglês-Inglês
; I want to rent a car. : posso alugar um carro? ( ); Can I get insurance? : posso ter seguro ( )
; stop (on a street sign) : PARE (STOP )
; one way : sentido único ( )
; yield : cedência de passagem ( )
; no parking : proibido estacionar ( )
; speed limit : limite de velocidade ( )
; gas (petrol) station : bomba de gasolina ( )
; petrol : gasolina ( )
; diesel : gasóleo ( )
; I haven't done anything wrong. : Não fiz nada de errado. ( )
; It was a misunderstanding. : Isto é um mal-entendido ( )
; Where are you taking me? : Para onde me levam? ( )
; Am I under arrest? : Estou preso? ( )
; I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen. : Sou um cidadão Americano/Australiano/Britânico/Canadiano ( )
; I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate. : Quero falar com a embaixada / o consulado Americano/Australiano/Britânico/Canadiano ( )
; I want to talk to a lawyer. : Quero falar com um advogado ( )
; Can I just pay a fine now? : Posso pagar uma fiança já? ( )