Get in
By train
HÉV Station
phone: +36 24 385 013address: Kossuth L. u. 117.Trains connecting hourly or so with Budapest Vágóhíd station. Volanbusz season ticket cash desk operating on Rackeve suburban train station. Open every month from 26th to next month 10th day: M-F 06:00 to 18:00, Sa 06:00 to 14:00.
By bus
Volanbusz bus lines from HÉV Station bus stop: #665 depart from Ráckeve, vasútállomás (train station) to Szigethalom via Kiskunlacháza #669 depart from Ráckeve, vasútállomás (train station) to Dömsöd, Kossuth L. u. 136. via Kiskunlacháza train station, #670 going to Kiskunlacháza train station, #671 to southeast to Dömsöd, Kossuth L. u. 136., #697 to south, to Makád, #698 depart southwest to Lórév, #675 to south, to Makád, #676 to south to Ráckeve, Bus Round.(the last two both just passing), #676 Budapest, Vermes Miklós utca- via Tököl.-
Ráckeve, Bus Round
address: Becsei útIt is just a turning point for Volanbusz #676 line depart/turning back to Budapest, Vermes Miklós street stop/terminal. Intercity, suburban and long distance bus (rail) network. Other suburban bus lines pass it as: toward south 661, 675, 697 all going to Makád (next small settlement), toward north #661 going to Szigethalom bus station via Kiskunlacháza, #675 to "Budapest, Vermes Miklós street." via Szigetszentmárton and Tököl, 697 going to Ráckeve, HÉV Station.
Get around
phone: +36 24 429-747address: Eötvös u. 1.Information about sights, accommodations, restaurants and programmes in Ráckeve and its neighbourhood. Free brochures, maps, postcards, ticket sales for most of the country’s programmes.

Our Lady Serbian Orthodox Church
phone: +36 24 423277address: Viola utca 1.This church is the only standing Gothic Serbian Orthodox Churches in Hungary and in Middle Europa. It was built in 1487. There are medieval frescos on the walls of the church. The baroque bell-tower located next to the church rests on a 16th-century foundation and was built in 1758

St John Catholic Church
phone: +36 24 485553address: Szent István tér 19.It was built between 1791 and 1799, and the high altar is from the 1800s. The painting inside is Patay László’s work. -
Reformed Church
phone: +36 24 425414, +36 30 6863497address: Kossuth Lajos utcaThe neogothic church stands on medieval foundation and was built in 1913.

Fegyó Béla Gallery
phone: +36 24 422702address: Thököly Imre utca 3.Exhibition of contemporary paintings -
phone: +36 24 518650address: Kossuth Lajos utca 49Located in a Renaissance style building housing different contemporary applied and art exhibitions
"Patay László" Art Gallery
phone: +36 24 424053address: Kossuth Lajos utca 26.Contemporary art collection. -
Savoyai Castle
phone: +36 24 485253address: Kossuth Lajos utca 95Ráckeve most impressive building in the baroque palace of Savoy, which in 1702 began to build the plans of architect Johann Lucas Hildebrandt. The castle was the first national monument of secular Baroque architecture. It operates as a hotel with restaurant and hosts conferences, balls, weddings, art exhibits, and concerts. The hotel has 30 rooms.

The statue of Árpád
address: Árpád térÁrpád was a tribal leader who led the Hungarians to Carpathian Basin in 895. -
The statue of the Heroes
address: Hősök tereThe statue of the Heroes, was made to remember those who died in the First World War. -
János Vitéz Fountain and the statue of St. István
address: Szent István térIt was made for the remembrance of János the Valiant (1774-1847). He was a local shepherd boy who became a widely travelled Hussar captain. The story of his life gave the inspiration to one of the biggest Hungarian poet Petőfi Sándor (1823-1849) to write the legend of János Vitéz. The statue of St. János It was made for the remembrance of the Catholic saint St. János who was the patron saint of the millers and sailors. Made in Baroque style. -
Former City Hall
phone: +36 24 523333address: Kossuth Lajos utca 25.It was built in 1901 in Art Nouveau style on the site of the former medieval City Hall. The Court-house and the children’s library can be found in it. -
phone: +36 24 424053This neo-Baroque building was built in the middle of the 1930s.

phone: +36 24 422948address: Kossuth Lajos utca 114.In the Studio Gallery there are paintings and graphics of Mertl Attila. Mostly these are landscapes and allegorical landscapes. On the allegorical landscapes the trees symbolizes fates of humans. The pictures mades with pastel or oil on paper, on canvas, or on wood. Here can you see about 70-80 paintings for sale.
Ady Endre Highschool
phone: +36 24 519050address: Kossuth Lajos utca 82.This building is an example of the Arts and Crafts movement. The high school was founded in 1950. Valuable works of art can be seen in the entrance-hall.

Grave of Horváth Nepomuk János
phone: +36 24 485553address: Nyár utcaThe toomb of Horváth Nepomuk János alias János the Valiant. -
phone: +36 24 519035address: Szegedi Kis István sétányThe water mill of Ráckeve is a technological and agricultural monument. A reconstructed the old boat mill.
Further afield

KiskunlacházaReformed Church, in front t of it is a "shame stone" or the pillory (1771). The Reformed Church was built in 1822-24. The Reformed Cleric House next to it was built in Classical Folk style in 1890. A free-standing, single storey, pitched roofed, L-shaped building. Street facade is simple, at two corner located one-one pilasters. The simple windows decorated with plaster frame. Front of yard facade runs a porch with columns The 18th century pillory is an interesting piece of local history (Hu: Református templom, lelkészlak. Kossuth Lajos utca 40. ref.egyhaz@vnet.hu), Peregi St. Michael's Catholic Church (1774) (Hu: Szent Mihály katolikus templom. Pereg district), Lacházi St. Ladislaus Catholic Church, (Hu:Lacházi (Szent László) katolikus templom. Lacház district). Angyalos house: here you can see the local historical collection. The house was built in 1906 in mixed eclecticism and historicism style. (Hu: Angyalosház. Loc:Kiskunlacháza, Szent Imre utca 40-42. kiskunkucko@invitel.hu May-Oct: W 14:00-17:00). Cemetery chapel of Pereg (Hu:Peregi temető kápolna. Pereg district), Hajós mansion, the Classicist building now as a guest-house catering for equestrian tourists (Hu:Hajós-kúria – Bankháza. Hajós estate, on the outskirts of neighboring Apajpuszta).
phone: +36 24 518650,address: Kossuth Lajos utca 51It used to be the Black Eagle Restaurant. The building now serves as the cultural centre. Renaissance, Baroque architectural elements. Events, small exhibits.
phone: +36 24 423 220address: Ráckeve, Strand utca 4Water theme park. Covered swimming pool. Villapark. Wellnesscentrum. Camping. Hotel. Beautyfarm.
Angelic Island
phone: +36 24 523333A nature conservation area. The water area is very rich in flora and fauna, among others moats, floating moors and patches. The marsh turtles are noteworthy. A more than two km long, sedge and reed-lined island. Resting area, good for fishing, and for stew (BBQ) site. -
Balaban Island
phone: +36 24 523333address: Balaban utcaIt is a nature conservation area with Fish-handling. A nice side branches, trees bounded elderly. The island has rich flora and fauna. Part of the Peregi Forest Park Conservation Area. -
Nobody Island
phone: +36 24 523333A nature conservation area, covered with dense forest. -
Szulai lake
address: Péter biro utcaIn the middle of my Szulai lake located in a small island on the lake and a playground. Suitable for ice-skating in winter.
phone: +36 24 485 849, +36 40 366-388, +36 1 3666-388 (Customer Service Center)address: Szent István tér 3Traded currencies: € and USD
phone: +36 1 777-777, +36 4 777-777address: Kossuth Lajos u. 47There is also an ATM.
- TESCO Ráckeve Szupermarket, (Ráckeve, Kossuth Lajos utca 100, T:+36 20 827 000), for supplies.

Bálványos Pension and Restaurant
phone: +36 70 4593036address: Dömsödi út 34.A small pension, a (sport) beer bar and a restaurant. -
Csöni Restaurant
phone: +36 24 485688address: Szent János tér 3A restaurant and café. Close to the town center, pleasant surroundings of the family-run restaurant. -
"Kis Zeusz" - Greek Buffet
phone: +36 20 3547860address: Eötvös utca 5A fast food restaurant. Salads, gyros, frappe and sandwiches. Cheap. -
Hal-Ász Fish Bakery
phone: +36 70 2080593address: Kossuth Lajos utca 21Different fried fish plates. Home delivery -
Sutyi & Sasi Restaurant and Pizzeria
phone: +36 24 423283address: Kastély utca 2The food is mainly Hungarian, but you can find on the menu at the Italian pastas to fresh summer salads to other specialties as well.
Dunai Guesthouse
phone: +36 20 4646964address: Keszeg sor 142.It is a lovely cottage,-with open fireplace for BBQ, next to the Little Danube. Services: parking in a closed garden, sport accessories rental. Two rooms with six beds. -
phone: +36 24 523230, +36 30 6336985address: Dömsödi út 1-3This is a four-star hotel with double rooms and apartments (45 units). There is indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool and many different wellness services. Also conference held here.There is an air-conditioned restaurant with panoramic terrace. The chef specialises in grilled food.
Laguna Pension and Pub
phone: +36 24 422939, +36 70 2998405address: Kossuth Lajos út 108.Fourteen rooms with bathroom. Services: catering, solarium, television, room services, 24-hour reception, bus parking, transfer, guarded parking, Wifi. Opening hours of the pub: Su-Th 09:00-22:00, F Sa 09:00-04:00. Disco nights with live music. Different wines and international mostly Italian food. -
Postaköz Apartment
phone: +36 30 2740891, +36 30 4189491address: Posta köz 1/aIn the middle of the city in a very calm and quiet lane. Two doubles A private accommodation. Services: heated room, TV, refrigerator, well equipped kitchen, parking in a closed garden.
phone: +36 24 385 641address: Ráckeve , Kossuth Lajos utca 24.