Rail travel in China

Sourced from Wikivoyage. Text is available under the CC-by-SA 3.0 license.
Train travel is the main method of long-distance transportation for the Chinese, with an extensive network of routes covering most of the country. Roughly a quarter of the world's total rail traffic is in China.

China now has the world's largest network of high-speed rail (similar to French TGV or Japanese Shinkansen bullet trains), the CRH trains, and expansion continues at a frantic pace. If your route and budget allow then these may be the best way to get around.
Hong Kong has a high-speed rail station that opened to the public in 2018. Macau has no rail connection at all, although Zhuhai over the border is connected to a fast line.

Types of trains and services


Booking tickets

Train stations

Travel tips

High-speed rail