Rail travel in Ireland

Sourced from Wikivoyage. Text is available under the CC-by-SA 3.0 license.
Ireland's rail network covers most of the island, and reaches almost all the major cities and towns. The density of railway services is somewhat less than other European countries, due to lower population densities, and a lack of a connection to the greater European network, but most of the island is covered, with the exception of the North-West. Rail services are generally centred on Dublin and Belfast.
Although hundreds of miles of rural lines were closed during the twentieth century, recent investment in passenger rail has soared on both sides of the border, and passenger numbers have been rising. Prices and service levels are comparable to other, similar lines around Western Europe, although journey times can be relatively long as speeds are low and nothing approaching true high-speed rail in the continental European sense is even on the horizon. No trains but a rather small set of suburban services around Dublin run on electric power as none of the intercity lines are electrified, an unusual situation for Europe.



Planning your trip


Using the train

Major stations

Lines & routes


International connections

Stay safe