Ravenna is a city in the Romagna zone of Emilia-Romagna.

phone: +39 0544 35404address: Piazza San Francesco, 7
Get in
By plane
The nearest airport to Ravenna is in Forli (about 20 km), but as of 2016 there no commercial flight to there. The other relatively close airports are in Bologna (about 80 km) and Rimini.
In season there is a shuttle bus service – CRAB – operates between the Bologna airport and Ravenna (continuing to Cervia).
By boat
Ravenna is one of top twenty ports of Italy.There is a ferry line to Catania. It takes 40h to reach destination.
Nearby, at the resort of Marina di Ravenna, there are 2 yacht marinas.
By train
Stazione di Ravenna
address: Piazza Luigi Carlo Farini 13Connections to Rimini, Ferrara, Bologna, Faenza. Long distance trains to Florence, Rome. In summer Brescia-Pesaro, Bergamo-Pesaro and Cremona-Pesaro.
By bus
address: Piazzale Aldo MoroBuses to Forli, Cesena, Lidi Ferraresi. Long distance services to Rome (Fiumicino), Milan, Bergamo, Carpi, Modena.
By car
Ravenna is easy to get to from the A14. Follow the signs for A14D from the A14 East. The A14D ends some kilometres before Ravenna, but the roads to the town are clearly signposted. Once in the town, head for the centre (Centro). The town streets vary (as in all Italian towns and cities) with the main routes being large and navigable, the back streets being small and unsuited to large vehicles. As there are a number of ways in, make sure you have a town map before getting to the town, although this is good advice for any Italian town.
Parking is easily attained, some free away from the old town centre, and typically 3 euro for 2.5 hours on the main street near the entry to the old town within 200 metres of the Basilica.
Get around
On foot
Ravenna is a walker's paradise, to say nothing of a shopping heaven for some. The old town is a mainly pedestrian area with cafes and bars on every corner and some hidden away through small access alleys. Note that everything is a little more expensive near the Basilica.See
Mosaics of Ravenna

phone: +39 0544 541688address: via Argentario, 22The huge church of San Vitale has mosaics everywhere. It was built in 547, it is considered a major monument in Western art history.
Mausoleo di Galla Placidia
address: via Argentario, 22Cross-shaped structure housing contains three sarcophagi. The largest one used to contain remains of Galla Placidia, sister of Honorius and Empress of Rome. Galla, who died in 450 AD, is one of history's most powerful women. -
Basilica di Sant' Apollinare Nuovo
phone: +39 0544 541688address: via Di Roma, 526th-century basilica with amazing mosaics. -
Battistero Neoniano
address: Piazza Duomo, 1Built c-ca 430 is the oldest building in Ravenna. -
Cappella di Sant'Andrea
address: Piazza Arcivescovado, 1Built in the beginning of the 6th century, this is the only archiepiscopal chapel which retained its original look. The chapel is located in the building which hosts the Museo arcivescovile di Ravenna (Archiepiscopal Museum). -
phone: +39 0544 543724address: Piazzetta degli Ariani RavennaBuilt by the Ostrogothic King Theodoric the Great between the end of the 5th century and the beginning of the 6th century.
Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe
phone: +39 0544 543724address: Via Romea SudLike many Ravenna churches, it is known for its exceptional mosaics.
Other attractions

phone: +39 0544 684020address: Via delle Industrie, 14Built in the 6th century for the powerful king of Ostrogoths. The monument is also included in UNESCO World Heritage list.
phone: +39 0544 32512address: Via Gian Battista Barbiani, 16Some remains of Roman and Byzantine buildings were excavated at the beginning of 1990s. The major one — Domus — is a 14-rooms building with 3 courtyards. The floors in these underground rooms are covered with splendid polychrome mosaics, hence the name was given to this place Tappeti di Pietra (Stone Carpets). The entrance to the archaeological site is from the 18th century chiesa di Sant'Eufemia. Adjacent 15th century Oratorio dei Cento Preti is also a part of the museum.
Chiesa di San Giovanni EvangelistaBuilt 5th century by the Roman imperial princess Galla Placidia. Initially it was also decorated by mosaics, but virtually none of them has been survived since then.
Basilica di San FrancescoBuilt in between 10th–11th centuries. Adjacent to the church there is tomb of Dante Alighieri (on the left from the facade).
Chiesa dello Spirito SantoBuilt in the 6th century as an Arian cathedral, it has been quite drastically altered since then, featuring now a Baroque façade.
Chiesa di Santa Maria MaggioreA Baroque church, originating from the 6th century.
Chiesa di San Giovanni BattistaIt is another notable Baroque style, with a Middle Ages campanile.
Basilika Santa Maria in PortoA baroque church with 18th-century rich facade.
Palazzo di TeodoricoThese ruins were an entrance to Chiesa di San Salvatore ad Calchi. A mosaic floors from the excavations of the palace proper were installed there in 1923.
Rocca Brancaleone
address: Via Rocca BrancaleoneIt was built by Venetians in 1457. A public garden is laid out inside the walls of the fortress. -
address: via San Vitale, 17It is located at the former Benedictine Monastery of San Vitale complex. The collection of the museum contains various archaeological and religious artefacts including 14th-century frescoes from the former chiesa delle Clarisse di Ravenna and mosaics from an archaeological site at Via d'Azeglio.
As a city of mosaics in Ravenna you can buy ceramic souvenirs in mosaic style, stylish fashions from all over Italy are available in the small boutique style shops. You won't find big stores here as you would in Milan or Rome, but there is a small town charm to them.
If you want to do any shopping, be aware that the shops in Ravenna observe a siesta from about 12:30 to around 16:00 when the only things open are small bookshops and cafes.
You are in Italy; eat Italian food. There are many small pizzerias and trattorias in the town that serve excellent and inexpensive fare. A typical meal of pizza and a beer will cost €10-15. In the main square, the cafe serves excellent Cappuccino for about €2.
The self-service cafe in the (just north of the main square and the Hotel Byron) is excellent for lunches (€7.50-10).
address: Via Guaccimanni 76An excellent example of a typical Romagnolo menu at local prices.
address: Via Gamba 12
phone: +39 0544 201863address: Viale Salvador Allende 56
phone: +39 544 33479In the centre of Ravenna, within walking distance of the most important monuments;
Hotel BisanzioIn the centre of Ravenna, within walking distance of the most important monuments
phone: +39 05 4439164address: Via Girolamo Rossi, 47Three-star hotel set in an 18th-century building of the city centre of Ravenna, with 48 rooms and suites, and affordable rates to visit the Byzantine mosaic of the former capital of the roman empire. All the bedrooms of the Diana Hotel Ravenna come with private bath, satellite TV and breakfast included.
phone: +39 0544 35762Piazza Mameli, 1.
Residence Resort Il poggio dei pini
phone: +39 544 44 85 83address: Via delle Altee, 34Residence 3 stars. Fax +39 544 441014. -
phone: +39 335 6099471address: Via Rossi 22Casa Masoli is a wonderful Bed and Breakfast in the center of Ravenna. Rooms are large and ceilings are decorated. It is an old house with history. The owner is a gentle and friendly lady that speaks fluent English. Reservations can be made via email but you have to send a deposit or give your credit card number. All major cards accepted. Breakfast is huge and served until 10:00. There is courtyard to sit outside and relax. Smoking is allowed in the courtyard. Dogs may be or may not be allowed as the landlady has a dog herself. Just ask in advance.