Rio de Janeiro/Zona Norte
Get in
phone: +55 21 3398-5050address: Avenida 20 de JanieroTo get in and away by plane, hundreds of international and domestic flight offered daily.
phone: +55 21 3213-1800address: Av. Francisco Bicalho, 01- Santo CristoBuses going all over the country leave from this busy hub. Make sure to check the prices and find out if your bus has air conditioning, especially for long trips.
Get around
By metrô
The Zona Norte is served by both lines of the subway system. They meet at Estácio, on the border with the Centro district. Useful stops include:
Line 1
Metro Station Estácio (L1, 2)Corresponding station
Metro Station Alfonso Pena (L1)
Metro Station São Francisco Xavier (L1)
Metro Station Saens Peña (L1)For Tijuca forest trail (way up!)
Line 2
- Estácio - to Line 1
Metro Station São Cristóvão (L2)For the Rio Zoo and Feira de São Cristóvão, typical market and fair with food, drinks and craft from Brazilian Northeastern culture
Metro Station Maracanã (L2)For Maracanã football stadium
Metro Station Triagem (L2)for Mangueira, the most famous favela and samba school
Metro Station Maria da Graça (L2)
Metro Station Del Castilho (L2)- for the outlet clothes mall, Nova América
By bus rapid transit
- Bus rapid transit (BRT): This is a high-capacity urban public-transit system with its own right of way and use multiple-car vehicles. Two lines operating TransOeste and TransCarioca, Planned: TransOlimpica
By cable car
- Teleférico A is a cable car service. The line operates between Bonsucesso Station and Complexo do Alemão. Six stations. The length is 3.5 km (2.2 mi).
SuperVia Urban Trains
The main terminal is theCentral Train StationFive of eight Rio's suburban train lines depart from here. SuperVia Deodoro branch toward Deodoro (23 km, 40 min, weekdays: 6-12 min. Weekends: 15-30 min, via Praça da Bandeira, São Cristóvão, Maracanã, Mangueira, São Francisco Xavier, Santa Cruz, Riachuelo, Sampaio, Engenho Novo, Méier, Olímpica de Engenho de Dentro, Piedade/Gama Filho, Quintino, Cascadura, Madureira, Oswaldo Cruz, Prefeito Bento Ribeiro, Marechal Hermes); SuperVia Santa Cruz branch (Platform 6) toward Santa Cruz (55 km, 75 min, weekdays: 10-12 min.
Weekends: 15-30 min, via 24 stops, six stops of them till Deodoro; at Campo Grande/West Shopping, Paciência, and Santa Cruz are corresponding stations to BRT TransOeste ); SuperVia Japeri branch (Platform 8) toward Japeri (62 km, 83 min, via 20 stops, Madureira is a corresponding station to BRT TransCarioca, Deodoro is a corresponding station to BRT TransOlímpica, this line passing Nilópolis, Mesquita, Nova Iguaçu, Queimados and Japeri cities); SuperVia Belford Roxo branch (Platform #10) toward Belford Roxo (31 km, less than one hour, via 18 stations, passing São João de Meriti and Belford Roxo cities); SuperVia Saracuruna branch (Platform #12) toward Saracuruna (62 km, 1 hour, via 18 stops, at Bonsucesso/TIM transfer to Teleférico A cable car, the last 6 stops are in Duque de Caxias city) - Long distance trains: Campo Grande (Platform #2) line - Gramacho line (Platform #13).
Opening times
Opening Monday to Friday at 04:25. Last train Japeri: 22:52. Last train to Santa Cruz: 22:35. Last train Saracuruna: 21:53. Last train to Belford: 21:28.Landing (closing the station): 23:35.
Saturdays: 06:00 to 21: 00, Sundays: 06:00 to 21: 50, Holidays: 06:15 to 19:20
Deodoro line
Toward northCentral do Brasil Train StationDeodoro line
Praça da Bandeira Train StationDeodoro line
São Cristóvão Train Station
Maracanã Train Station
Mangueira Train Station
São Francisco Xavier Train StationDeodoro line
Riachuelo Train StationDeodoro line
Sampaio Train StationDeodoro line
Engenho Novo Train StationDeodoro line
Méier Train StationDeodoro line
Estação Olímpica de Engenho de Dentro Train Station
address: Av. Amaro Cavalcanti,For João Havelange Olympic Stadium. - Deodoro line Piedade/Gama FilhoTrain StationDeodoro line
address: Av. Presidente Castelo Branco at Av. MaracanãOnce the world's highest capacity football venue, it was able to hold nearly 200,000 people. In modern times, the capacity has been reduced because of safety considerations, and the introduction of seating for all fans. It is undergoing renovation, to expand it to hold 80,000. The matches of Rio's football clubs like Flamengo or Fluminense are usually far from full, so go along and watch a game. There is also a Soccer Museum inside.
address: Estrada da Cascatinha, 850 - Alto da Boa VistaA few km north of the beach, this mountainous subtropical forest is Brazil's smallest national park. It is largely hand-planted as much of the original forest was destroyed to make way for coffee plantations. Despite this it contains hundres of species, many of which are threatened with extinction. Corcovado is to the east of the park but if you really want to appreciate what the park has to offer you have to drive along some windy, hilly roads. It can be reached via Rua Boa Vista, and from São Conrado in Zona Oeste.

Engenhão Stadium
address: Rua Arquias Cordeiro - Engenho de DentroEstádio Olímpico João Havelange, known by its nickname of Engenhão, is a new soccer stadium built for the Pan-American Games of 2007. A modern construction, not as big as Maracanã but still worth a visit for soccer fans. The Botafogo team plays its matches there. -
Grajaú State Park
phone: +55 21 2576-4296address: Rua Comendador Martinelli 742 - GrajaúThis 55-hectare park preserves some of the original forest and serves as a refuge for a wide range of species including marmosets, bush dogs, guinea pigs, parakeets, vultures, and hawks. The park includes the Pedra do Andaraí, symbol of the area. -
Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences
phone: +55 21 2580-7010address: Rua General Bruce 586 - São CristovãoAlso has an observatory. -
Museum of the First Reign
phone: +55 21 2589-9627address: Avenida Pedro II 293 - São CristóvãoA museum about the reign of Emperor Pedro I (1822-1831), but with a modest collection. -
Musical sidewalks of Vila Isabel
address: Vila IsabelThe mosaic sidewalks along Boulevard 28 de Setembro between Praça Maracanã and Praça Barão de Drummond are musical staves. Written in the stones are 20 complete musical works, including tunes by Ary Barroso, Martinho da Vila, Almirante, Noel Rosa, and other famous Brazilian composers who frequented Vila Isabel back in its Bohemian heyday. If you know who these guys are, you might also be interested in checking out the famous sculpture of Noel Rosa on this street at the entrance to the bairro. -
phone: +55 21 3878-4200address: Parque Quinta da Boa Vista - São CristóvãoIf you won't be making it to the Amazon or the Pantanal, this is a good place to see some of Brazil's more exotic creatures.
phone: +55 21 2269-5545address: Rua Arquias Cordeiro 1046 - Engenho de DentroA modest collection of 19th-century engines, train cars used by emperors and presidents, and streetcars.
Museu do Açude
address: Estrada do Açude, 764 - Alto da Boa VistaThe former residence of one of the founders of the Modern Art Museum, this museum hosts a collection of items from the history of Portuguese rule, including furniture, kitchenware, and an array of azulejos, or Portuguese blue tiles. There are also separate collections of Oriental art and Brazilian pop art. Quinta da Boa VistaPark
Church Our Lady of Lurdes
address: Boulevard 28 de Setembro, Vila Isabel -
Church of the Holy Family
address: Ribeira, Ilha do governador -
Chapel of St. Roque
address: Rua Padre Juvenal, s/n - Praça de São Roque - Ilha de Paquetá -
Church of the Good Lord Jesus of the Hill
phone: +55 21 3397-0270address: Praia dos Tamoios, 45 - Ilha de Paquetá -
Convent of Our Lady of Help
address: Praça Barão de Drumond, Vila Isabel
Rock climbingMany climbers take on the 444-meter Pedra do Andaraí, in Grajaú State Park. See the See section for details.
address: Ave.Brasil, Maré, Zona NorteA popular, in-bay, beach where the government built an artificial pool on the sand (piscinão). This area is not recommended for foreigners to visit. Inappropriate for bathing.
Samba schools
phone: +55 21 3872-6786address: Rua Visconde de Niterói, 1072 - Mangueira
phone: +55 21 2238-9258address: Rua Silva Teles, 104 - Andaraí
phone: +55 21 3181-4869address: Boulevard 28 de Setembro 382 - Vila IsabelFounded in 1948, the city's fastest-growing samba school is now the third largest.
phone: +55 21 2518-3957address: Avenida Francisco Bicalho, 47, Santo CristoConceived in 1931.
phone: +55 21 2178-4444, +55 21 33154300, +55 21 33154301address: Avenida Dom Helder Câmara 5474 - CachambiThe largest shopping mall in the Zona Norte, with two food courts, cinemas, and a range of stores and restaurants. Fitness center BodyTech (the largest fitness club in Brazil); Striker Bowling, Kinoplex UCI cinema (with 10 rooms, 3D), Magic Games playhouse, Mega bookstore. Cafes:Kopenhagen, Mc Cafe, Viena Café; Chocolate shops: Brasil Cacau, Cacau Show, Chocomundi. Pubs.
phone: +55 21 2570-53335address: Associacao Do Feirante da Feira de São CristóvãoA great place to shop with plenty of stalls selling all sorts of food, textiles and local goods. Also a good place to get a taste of Brazilian culture from the northeast. Food, dance and music tantalize all the senses.
Madureira MarketA popular market where there are cheap bars and restaurants, plus little shops selling everything you can imagine, including everything you need for Afro-Brazilian rituals (statues, candles, food and animals). Not usually visited by gringos, but still an interesting place if you want to see how normal people live and have fun outside the Zona Sul.
Nova América Outlet Shopping
phone: +55 21 2583-1033address: Avenida Pastor Martin Luther King Júnior 126 - InhaúmaOne of the cheaper malls in the city. -
phone: +55 21 2577-8777address: Rua Barão de São Francisco 236 - Vila IsabelLarge shopping mall with 210 stores.
Adega Carne-de-Sol do Peixto
phone: +55 21 2288-6002address: Rua Barão de Mesquita 616 - TijucaAs the name suggests they are best at carne-de-sol. They have a full menu of typical Brazilian food in good-sized helpings. -
Adegão Português
phone: +55 21 2580-7288address: Campo Do São Cristovão 212This hole-in-the-wall joint has fantastic food that has attracted fans for over four decades. Lamb with vegetables and potatoes is a must-try. -
Fiorino Bar e Restaurante
phone: +55 21 2567-3386address: Avenida Heitor Beltrão 126 - TijucaGood-quality Italian restaurant with reasonable prices. Note that they do not accept credit cards. -
phone: +55 21 2576-5652address: Av. 28 de Setembro 238 - Vila IsabelThis restaurant has for decades been the haunt of famous bohemian composers and poets such as Noel Rosa and Martinho da Vila. It remains the hotspot of Vila Isabel, with daily buffets, and feijoada on Saturdays. It also holds the distinction of having the highest annual draft beer sales of any restaurant in Brazil. Accepts Visa.
Restaurante Quinta da Boa Vista
phone: +55 21 2589-4279address: Av. Pedro II - São CristóvãoFine dining in what used to be the chapel for the Imperial Palace. The food is a fantastic display of traditional Brazilian cuisine with formal service. -
Restaurante Salete
phone: +55 21 2264-5163, +55 21 2214-0408address: Rua Afonso Pena 189 - TijucaFamous for its shrimp risotto and empadinhas. Delivery available. Accepts credit cards.
phone: +55 21 2450-1253address: Travessa Almerinda Freitas 42 - MadureiraGay and lesbian nightclub.
address: Rua da Assembleia #19, Nova Brasilia, Complexo do Alemão Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 21001020An arts and research centre and hostel at the same time in the middle of the favela Complexo do Alemão. Run by the friendly and helpful Dutch Ellen and her Brazilian partner, who will include you in the local life and culture festivals. Very authentic and enjoyable place to stay, different from the usual tourist life in Rio.
Luxor Hotel Aeroporto
phone: +55 21 3222-9700 or +1-800-282-2070address: inside Galeão International Airport, 3rd floor, Sector BA good place to stay if you arrive late to Rio or are leaving early in the morning. Clean rooms with all the convenience of being within the airport. Rooms have no windows. -
Pousada Galeão
phone: +55 21 3398-3848address: inside Galeão International Airport, 1st floor, Arrivals SectorOnly has 15 rooms for those who are stuck in the airport. Rooms have TV, telephone and air conditioning but no windows.