Serra da Mantiqueira

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Sissi Bueno

Serra da Mantiqueira is a geological formation in Brazil dating from the Archeozoic era. Its name originated from 'Amantikir' and means "mountain that cries." It is a massive rock that has large areas of uplands, and nearly three thousand and one thousand meters in altitude in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro . Sierra Mantiqueira of several conservation units, such as the Environmental Protection Area of the Sierra Mantiqueira, divided among three states, the National Park of Itatiaia, divided between Minas and Rio, and the Serra do Brigadeiro State Parks and the Serra Papagaio (mine) and Campos do Jordão (São Paulo).
10% of the mountain is limited land in Rio de Janeiro, which is where the park is. 30% of the mountain is in São Paulo state, and 60% is in the state of Minas Gerais, which has the largest portion (from the region where the city of Barbacena and it is leaning to the southwest until you find with the border with Rio de Janeiro and soon after, with São Paulo, where it became a natural border with the state of Minas Gerais by the end of mediation Joanópolis/SP and Extreme/MG, and finally it ends in the city de Bragança Paulista.
The closer to the capital of Sierra Mantiqueira is São Paulo, which is the first 90 km of the city in the Serra da Mantiqueira, Bragança Paulista, the second is that Belo Horizonte is 170 km from the first city where the mountains are the Mantiqueira located: and the third is the Barbacena Rio de Janeiro which is 198 km from the nearest town in the Serra Mantiqueira Visconde de Mauá, District of the city of Resende.



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