
Get in
By train
Nearest train Station is in OzurgetiBy bus
There are several departures from Ozurgeti.By car
Shemokmedi is connected to Ozurgeti with well-developed regional road. Route from Ozurgeti to ShemokmediGet around

Shemokmedi CathedralThis 12th-to-16th-century monastery is located on the hill in the eponymous village of Shemoqmedi, about 7 km southeast of Ozurgeti. The monastery complex consists of two church buildings and a bell tower from the 16th century. The main church, a three-aisled basilica without cupola, was built in the 12th century. The walls are built of hewn stone, the floor is covered with marble. The second, smaller church called "zarzma" was built in the 16th century by the prince of Guria Vakhtang I. Gurieli as home to an icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In the Middle Ages, the monastery was one of the richest monasteries in Georgia. In the monastery there were several relics, such as very valuable icons, stored. Great views of Guria's villages can be seen from the hill.

Gorisferdi churchA newly built orthodox church instead of medieval church
Stone Wine-pressA massive, stone-carved winepress is located near Gonebiskari, in "Meskhiseul estate". Length of winepress is 6 meters, width - 120 cm, depth - 90 cm.
Philipp Makharadze Former museumNow the museum of Bolshevik Philipp Makharadze is closed, but partly demolished XIX century house and an arc from 1950s can be seen
Bzhuzhi HPPSoviet time HPP, built in 1950s is worth of visit
Chala-SakdariRuins of medieval belltower

- Visit Gomismta, mountain resort above of Shemokmedi, 2000 meters high from sea level
Chakukhais very popular place to swim, sunbath and enjoy life during hot summer.
Satavanigo further away from Bzhuzhi HPP and about 10 km away you will find a waterfall
Gurians speak much more quickly than average Georgians from other regions, so it is more complicated to understand them. When in need for help, look for younger people; they are more likely to know some English.