Shurdhah Island
Before 1973, when the dam was completed, the island was a hill on the left bank of the river Drin. It contains the ruins of the medieval town of Sarda. The town was strategically located on the old road from Shkodër to Gjakova. Sarda was founded in the 6th-8th century BC, and foundations of a Roman fort have been discovered here. The earliest remains date from the 6th-8th century AD. It gained its highest importance in the 12th century, when it was the seat of the bishop of Sapa and Sarda. It was ravaged by the Ottomans in 1491. Now you can visit the ruins of the 11th-century medieval castle, which includes two rings of defensive walls and towers (some submerged in the lake), the remains of a Byzantine church and other early medieval walls. The setting on the steep rocks rising from the lake is especially impressive.
Get in
Shoqata Sarda offers travel from Shkoder to the island and back for 700 leke or €10.
There are individual transportation operators with 12 person boats and a 3000 leke minimum. When the number of people passes 6 people, they pay no less than 500 lek per person. This travel is without time limit. There are other boats that offer travel for 1500 leke plus gas without a time or person limit.
Vau Dejes Hydro-electric DamA massive dam built on the Drin river by the Chinese. Construction was started in 1968 and finished in 1973.
Shurdhah ChurchA medieval church that had 365 altars, one for every day of the year. Today you can see the ruins of the church and the castle that surrounded it.
LisnaA fertile region on the lake near the island of Shurdhah. It is possible to see Lisna as you travel from Rragam to the Island of Shurdhah.
Cave of DovesThe Cave of Doves is just north of island before you get to the Koman dam. It is a large cave on the river.
Lake Koman FerryThe ferry leaves from the Koman dam for Fierze every morning during the summer and less frequently during the winter. It is the fastest way to travel to Bajram Curri and Kosovo from Shkoder.