Three Parallel Rivers National Park

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Three Parallel Rivers National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Yunnan, China, in part of the same complex of mountain ranges as the Himalayas, at the eastern end of the Himalayas. Descending from Tibet, three mighty rivers here run parallel to each other for over 200 km (125 miles), carving out vast canyons, before diverging halfway across Asia, nourishing billions and giving rise to splendid civilizations.
The three rivers (listed east-to-west) are:
Their mouths are thousands of kilometers apart, flowing into different oceans. Their headwaters are also fairly widely separated. However, in this region they are quite near each other, flowing along three enormous more-or-less parallel gorges which wind through a region of large mountains.
The Irrawaddy River follows a similar path but is not included in this park area because its gorge lies across the border in Myanmar.
The three rivers have different names in this region than downstream and the names in Chinese do not sound anywhere near their names in English. To avoid confusion when communicating with locals, it is advisable to memorize the Chinese pronunciations. The Salween is Nu Jiang (怒江), the Mekong is Lan Cang Jiang (澜沧江), and the Yangtze is Jin Sha Jiang (金沙江).
