Zhytomyr (Ukrainian: Жито́мир), Zhitomir, (Polish: Żytomierz), (Yiddish: זשיטאָמיר), Zhitomir) is a city in Central Ukraine. The administrative center of the Zhytomyr region and Zhitomir district. It's in northern Ukraine, 150 km west of Kiev centre. Population: 271,000 inhabitants.
Get in
phone: +380 412 361456address: Vul. Kyivska,(ул. Киевская,) 93Timetable more. International lines to Belarus: Brest (Брест) and Grodno (Гродно) every Friday morning, to Czech: Praha (Прага) four per week, to Moldova: Chisinau (Кишинев) daily. Inland buses to the following "touristic" places: Kiev-1 (Киев)(hourly one or more), Borispyl Airport (Ап Борисполь) ten per day, Berdychev 10 per day, (8pm. the last one), Vinnytsya-1 (Винница 1) seven per day, Khmelnytskyi (Хмельницкий) 3 per day, Korosten (Коростень) 3 per day. Daily lines to Ternopol (Тернополь),Chernihiv (Чернигов), Odessa (Одесса), Lutsk (Луцк), Truskavets (Трускавец), Simferopol (Симферополь), Chernivtsi (Черновцы), Radomyshl (Радомышль), Ivano-Frankivsk (Ив. Франковск), Uzhgorod (Ужгород).
Zhytomyr Bus station No.2 or Suburban Bus Station
phone: +380 412 378445address: Khlibna str., (ул. Хлебная,) 22аMostly for in the Zhytomyr region, to Berdychev (Бердичев) 08:00, 14:00, 19:00. Radomyshl daily 17:00 (Радомышль) +phone=+380 412 343446 -
Zhytomyr Railway station
phone: +380 412 361456address: Vokzal'na str., 3International direct trains to/from Baranovichy (Belarus); Budapest (Hungary), Chisinau (Chişinău) (Moldova) and St. Petersburg (Russia). Long distances trains to Odessa, Simferopol (Crimea). Suburban rail to Fastiv (Фастів) twice a day, 2hr 20min; to Korostyshyv (Коростишів)) daily, Koziatyn (Козятин) via Berdychev six a day ; Novohrad-Volynskiy (Новоград-Волинський) daily, 2hr 10min
Get around

Sacred places

Assumption Church
address: Podil'ska str., 9 -
address: Sosnova Street, (Соснова вул.) 13А
Cell of the Jesuit juridical (ruins)
address: Lekha Kachyns'koho str., 12 ? -
Church Evangelical Christian Baptists
phone: +380 412 250804address: Sokalova Hora suburb, Maksiutova str., 208 -
Old believers Protection of the Virgin church
address: Karakulna str., 6 -
St. James church
address: Peremohy str., 74- Built in 1837. -
Holy Cross Church (Museum of Nature)
address: Kafedral'na str., 14 -
Roman-Catholic Church
phone: +380 412 474928address: Baseina str., 9 -
St. Sophia Cathedral
address: Zamkovyi sq., 2 -
phone: +380 412 226608address: Mala Berdychivs'ka str., 7 -
Seraphim church, the monastery complex of the Sisters Sharitok
address: Feschenka-Chopivs'koho str., 22 -
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
phone: +380 412 372792address: Podil'ska str., 19 -
Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church
address: Sobornyi sq., 4 -
Seminary church of St. John of Dukla
phone: +380 412 421274address: Kyivs'ka str., 4/6 -
Transfiguration Cathedral
address: Peremohy sq., 12/14- Magnificent Holy Transfiguration Cathedral is considered a symbol of the city. Designed in the Byzantine-Russian style with the characteristic features of ancient architecture 11th-12th centuries. The height is 53 m. The interior is richly decorated with local granite and labradorite. -
address: Kyivska str., 18- It is an outstanding monument of architecture 19th century. One of the oldest stone religious buildings of the city.

Art Gallery (former Magistrate)
address: Kafedral'na str., 3A luxurious two-story town hall was built for the Zhitomir magistrate in 18th century. Made in Renaissance style. -
Art Museum
phone: +380 412 374458address: Zamkova str., 1,The old mansion, built in 19th century. Former residence of the head of the Catholic Diocese of Zhytomyr. The Zhytomyr Regional Museum, founded in 1865. Funds now account for 150,000 monuments of history and culture. There a collection of art works by Italian, Dutch, French, Polish and Russian artists of 16-20th century. -
Korolenko Literary Memorial Museum
phone: +380 412 221631address: Korolenka sq., 1 -
address: Zamkovyi sq., 1
Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Literature
phone: +380 412 345527address: Kyivs'ka str. (вул. Київська), 45Opened 1990. Concentrate 14 years of existence in its repositories, scientific publications printed picture eventful literary and artistic life of the city and region over the past two centuries. Biographies of prominent writers from Zhytomyr period of their lives. -
phone: +380 412 379523address: Dmytrivs'ka str. (вул. Дмитрівська), 5- Space Museum of Ukraine, in the home of Zhytomyr Ukrainian Soviet scientist in the field of rocketry and astronautics - Sergei Korolyov.
Museum of Cosmonautics it. S.P. Korol'ov
phone: +380 412 372030, +380 412 37-95-23address: Ivana Franka str., 20 -
Fire Tower Museum
address: 1 Travnia (May 1st) str., 33ABuilt in 1894. Exhibit presents the history of the formation of fire-extinguishing systems and fire fighting equipment.

Former Vocational school
address: 37, Nebesnoi Sotni str.- This old house from solidly red brick. Despite his advanced age beautifully preserved, attracting the attention of the original architecture,neo Gothic style. Now it is College of Technology. -
Former post station
address: Vul. Peremohy, (Перемоги вул.,) 72The complex structures of a postal station from 19th century. There were the main building, a hotel lodge and stables surrounded by a fence. Regular mail service between St. Petersburg, Kiev since 1827. Now it is road maintenance site. -
Russian (Vilskoe) cemetery
address: Peremohy str. (Перемоги вул.)The first burial dates back to around 1880 - 1894. Place for 145 fraternal and 1243 single graves. -
Polish cemetery
address: Rudnianskyi sq., (Руднянський майдан)Founded 1789. According to legend, the cemetery is the entrance to the catacombs of the city. In 1976 was closed. During the war there was a line of defense. -
Former Provincial Office Building
address: 6 Velyka Berdychivska str. -
Tribel House
address: Mykhailovs'ka str., 8The architectural style called eclectic, erected in 1890. Now here is a branch of Energobank. -
Former Bank of the Russian Empire
address: Borisa Lyatoshins'koho str., 5Now it is the Department of National Bank of Ukraine. -
phone: +380 412 481212address: Koroliova sq. (С.П. Королёва пл., майдан ім. С. П. Корольова), 2/4
Former Zhytomyr Mariinsky female high school
address: Koroliova sq., 10Opened February 12, 1866. The building is a monument of history and architecture. Now it houses a children's creativity centre. -
Admiral Shchastnyi House
address: Admirala Schastnoho str., 20 -
Water tower
address: Pushkins'ka str., 24- Neo Gothic style. -
Former Female seminary
address: Pushkins'ka str., 27Built in 1860. -
Domanevsko House
address: Staryi blvd., 16/1 -
Agricultural University (former District Court)
address: Staryi blvd., 7Built in 1897. -
Former the second men's gymnasium
address: Pushkins'ka str., 42This three-story, one of the best houses in the city, which has lodged an educational institution. Erected in 1882. Now part of the State University named Franko -
The complex of buildings First gymnasium
address: Velyka Berdychivs'ka str., 40Built in 1862. The main entrance was a flower garden with rare trees and a fountain in the center. Now it is Zhytomyr State Pedagogical University named Franko. -
Former Mansion Filipov
address: Velyka Berdychivs'ka str., 61/18Built for the attorney I. Filipov. Architecture in the late classicist style with Neo-Baroque elements
Castle Hill Public garden
address: Kafedral'na str.Mountain on the bank of the Kamenka river, which up to 19th century stood a stone castle, surrounded by moats. Probably, it was founded back in 9. retainers of the Kievan princes Askold and Dir, but then could find elsewhere. In the written annals of Zhytomyr castle was first mentioned in 1392 when they captured the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt. Subsequently, repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. -
Korbutivskyi Hidropark Aquapark
address: Plyazhna alley (Пляжна алея)- Beach. Wonderful vacation spot - the famous Korbutovskyi Hydropark. Caring owners have preserved forest, turning it into a landscaped park. -
Rock Golova Chatskogo
address: Kryvyi 2 lane- Bizarre rock above the river Teteriv (30 m), a geological monument of national importance. Clearly visible from a viewing platform on the dam reservoir Teterevskogo. -
Gagarin Park
address: Staryi blvd. -
Botanical Garden of Zhytomyr Agricultural University
address: Koroliova str.,Area of 35.4 hectares. Founded in 1933. The Garden Collection includes about 200 species of trees and shrubs and 750 species of herbal plants.
Further afield

BerdychivCarmelites monastery, a magnificent architectural complex, built in 16th century, now its a city museum
Korosten "Stalin Line"Soviet times had left objects that keep their secrets. Especially it concerns underground tunnels, bunkers and missile sites.
Radomysl Castle- Its center is an old flour mill built in the late 19th century by Polish engineer Piekarski. Inside the castle is the Museum of Ukrainian Home Icons, with more than 5000 icons and sculptures (Orthodox, Catholic and Greek-Catholic), created between the 16th and 20th centuries in different parts of Ukraine. Also there is a concert hall with 150 seats, and used for classical music, chamber music, folk and jazz events

Zhytomyr State Musically Dramatic Theater the name of Kotcherga
phone: +380 412 222455address: Sobornyi sq., 6 -
Zhytomyr Regional Puppet Theater
phone: +380 412 474246address: Mykhailivska str. (вул. Михайлівська), 7 -
phone: +380 412 374154address: Pushkins'ka str. (вул. Пушкінська), 26
Avangard Swimming pool
phone: +380 412 372167address: Feschenka-Chopivs'koho str., 1

Central Department store
phone: +380 412 400133address: Kyivs'ka str. (ул. Киевская), 37 -
address: Dombrovs'koho str.,3
'Vivat, kantseliariya' Bookshop
phone: +380 412 472946address: Teatral'na str., 5 -
Zhytnii Shopping centre
phone: +380 50 3833346address: Zhytnii Rynok sq. (пл. Житній ринок), 1+phone=+380 412 225206, +380 412 225226, моб +380 50 4630771, 50 4630788 -
Metro Cash & Carry Supermarket, Shopping centre
address: Nezalezhnosti ave., 55V -
phone: +380 412 419505address: Otamaniv Sokolovs'kykh str., 5.
phone: +380 412 410441address: Vitruka str., 9AFor electronic goods.
phone: +380 412 424994address: Peremohy str., 55
phone: +380 412 466112address: Novyi blvd. (Новий бульвар), 6
address: Velyka Berdychivs'ka str., 12
Confectionery Milano
phone: +380 63 5343038address: Kyivs'ka str., 77 -
phone: +380 412 472855address: Kyivs'ka str., 56
address: Zhytnii Rynok sq., 1
Chelentano Pizzeria
phone: +380 412 422100address: Soborna sq., 7/1Free Wi-Fi -
phone: +380 412 422327address: Ivana Kocherhy str., 3Other unit: Str. Kyivs'ka, 13.
Fast Food
phone: +380 50 3867151address: Kyivs'ka str., 77
phone: +380 412 438648address: Velyka Berdychivs'ka str., 55
Lviv Handmade Chocolate Confectionery
phone: +380 99 2138182address: Peremohy sq., 7For sweet tooths.
phone: +380 412 426767, +380 67 4100960address: Peremohy str., 68
phone: +380 97 2282756address: Politekhnichnyi lane (Політехнічний пров.), 4Full number of rooms: 17. +phone=+380 63 8979651
Yalynka hotel
phone: +380 412 516415address: Myru ave. (проспект Миру), 34 -
Hetman Restaurant, Hotel
phone: +380 412 416140address: Het'mana Samoilovycha str., 3 -
Gulden Hotel
phone: +380 67 4209312address: Myru ave., 47A l -
phone: +380 412 465057address: Polissia distr., Saienka str. (ул. Саенко), 152A
phone: +380 412 464664address: Nezalezhnosti ave., 13www.dodo.in.ua/hotel.html, Four star hotel. 25 rooms.
phone: +380 412 228693address: Peremohy sq., (пл. Победы,) 6
Zhytnyi Hotel
phone: +380 412 467667address: Khlibna str., 19 -
Polskyi Dim Hotel
address: Chudnivs'ka str., 34B- Wi-Fi. -
Sportyvnyi Hotel
phone: +380 412 470347address: Feschenka-Chopivs'koho str. (вул. Фещенка-Чопівського), 18 -
phone: +380 412 466112address: Novyi blvd., (Новий бульвар,) 6
phone: +380 412 551427address: Ivana Honty str. (вул. Івана Гонти), 68Extraphones=+380 (097) 558-2727, (093) 629-39-39. There is a disco, a bar, a restaurant, Russian wood bathhouse, Finnish sauna.
Inter motel
phone: +380 412 446254address: Zhytomyr-Lviv Hwy, (трасса Житомир-Львов)Clean and bright restaurant hall, summer houses, conference room, parking. Rooms with all amenities, TV. Extraphones=+380 067 4126129,+380 050 3858051 -
Villa Rose
phone: +380 63 134 7444, +380 99 172 0303, +380 97 332 4668address: Mezhrechie, Teterevka village, Zhitomirskiy rayon, Zhitomirskaya oblastVilla Rose is 10 km south-west of the city of Zhitomir, in the ecologically clean Teterevsky Reservoir area, surrounded by protected areas with stunning natural beauty.
phone: +380 412 255568address: Kyivska str., 20
Post-office Zhytomyr-30
phone: +380 412 257943address: Kyivska str., 53 -
phone: +380 412 361245address: Vokzal'na str., 6
phone: +380 412 34-14-10,address: Velyka Berdychivs'ka str., 67