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Payton Chung's
Vesterbro is located just outside Copenhagen’s city center - the Inner City or Indre By - making it a very attractive place to live, also included are the districts of Sydhavnen. Enghave, Valby and Vanløse.
Niels Elgaard Larsen - (WT-shared) Elgaard at wts wikivoyage

The district is located west of the city center at the location of the old Western Gate (‘’Vesterport’’), access way into the old city. The gate, along with the other three gates into the old city Østerport ("Eastern Gate") near the current Østerport Train Station), Nørreport ("Northern Gate") near the current Nørreport Train Station, and Amagerport ("Amager Gate", i.e. functionally the Southern Gate) between Christianshavn and the island of Amager - were dismantled in 1856.
The name "Vesterbro" causes some confusion as to its literal translation into modern Danish, as English, "Western Bridge". The word is an old word and does not refer to a bridge, but rather to the paved (Danish, brolagt) road leading into the city through the Western Gate.
The area has in recent years been renovated to a great extent, and its central location makes it a favored place to live. It has had a reputation as a center for prostitution and drug trafficking, where only the poorest would live, and there is still a certain amount of these activities in the area, especially on Istedgade and near Halmtorvet, but there has been police focus on clearing up troublesome areas.

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