Huizhou (Guangdong)

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Huizhou (惠州; Fui 4 ziu 1 in Hakka, Huìzhōu in Mandarin) is a city in Guangdong.
The sight of Huizhou to the average traveller invariably arouses surprise. Some 40 miles north of Shenzhen, in verdant, tropical countryside, a common reaction is "Where did this place come from?" Until the 1980s, Huizhou was a sleepy Guangdong town on the Pearl River Delta. It has since exploded with industry, attracting investment from Japanese, Korean, European and American companies. It is one of the most architecturally pleasing small cities in all of Guangdong, and one of the very richest. CIA reports citing it as the de-facto HQ for all organized crime in Hong Kong and Guangdong may go some way to explaining the many sumptuous housing developments here, as well as the plethora of Porsches, five-star hotels and other indicators of high-end living. Huizhou is where the triad crime bosses come to dialogue and chill. Something of an anomaly within mainland China, this is a city that answers to no-one and those who live here have definite reasons for doing so.




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